Third time today they have got me with the onion, it’s all too believable.
Third time today they have got me with the onion, it’s all too believable.
Wow a 5% decline… … … …
Sprays chatgpt
Amazing pic hopefully it’s followed by much more like it
Of course it’s not just their problem, I just find it a little weak sauce for American’s to start motioning slowly towards a thoughts and prays approach.
They were told what they were going to get plain and simple, voted for it and now sit and watch as their own governmental system falls into decay. It isn’t a question of the rest of the world in years to come but the reaction of a current petridish that could spill into other countries. I hope all the best to all who type on forums, write letters and make signs. Good luck but maybe the pens should be discarded.
Sure…well the rest of the world is cheering you on. Go you guys.
I think this poll is a little early, atleast let the US take Greenland to McDonald’s before they can consent to being fucked.
BBC Mentioned the one in Washington but it was just as an add on when explaining that it was too cold for trump to have it outside. Doesn’t really matter how big the protests were in America as they literally voted for it.
The rise of fascism call it what it is.
Lol my mind went straight to thinking this was some type of apocalypse trend.
Then the scam cryptocurrency hits, what am I saying? that’s probably already happened.
Capitalism working as intended.
Who cares? If anything this just amplifes the misinformation.
He invented modern day snake oil
And there’s me mishearing it as diogenes and thinking some bowls were going to get broken and some chickens were going to get grabbed.
Giant nothing story
Is this even news, ofc they did, give them an inch and they always take a mile, war, recessions and sickness are always a profiteering venture for business.
Name checks out.
1000% I feel whenever someone has a connection with me i’m manipulating them, I’m diagnosed bipolar so I overthink things a lot sometimes.
Errrgh it took me three attempts to read that