I’ve played quite a bit of the browser version, but that steam version has stuff in screenshots I don’t think I’ve seen in the browser one… huh.
Might need to check this one out, thanks!
The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.
I’ve played quite a bit of the browser version, but that steam version has stuff in screenshots I don’t think I’ve seen in the browser one… huh.
Might need to check this one out, thanks!
I just couldn’t stop buying the bg3 season passes, fomo-exclusive character skins and consumable magic item bundles to feed the one companion whose name escapes me atm.
if/when you get stuck / progress feels horrendously slow/stalled, the wiki is pretty up to date and offers great info https://spaceidle.game-vault.net/wiki/Main_Page - but imo, only check it when progress stalls hard, otherwise there be spoilers, a lot of spoilers.
Welcome to space :)
Unnamed Space Idle? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2471100/Unnamed_Space_Idle/
It is pretty similar to Melvor, you have a space ship instead of a character. Ship automatically shoots baddies and goes forward. You upgrade the ship, it’s parts, etc. Proceed to idle, harveste materials, craft stuff, collect bonuses, unlock new tiers of stuff… etc. It looks a bit amateurish, but it’s pretty cool as far as idlers go.
It has offline progress, cloud saves & works on linux too. And apparently you can share your progress with android version too - but I dunno for sure, haven’t tried.
There are mtx available, but even the game tells you they’re not really needed, they’re there for giving support to the dev - and I can confirm, the game isn’t coin operated at all, you gain everything you’d realistically need through gameplay at reasonable pace.
Imagine paying hundreds for beta-invite, to scalpers, and then get banned because account trading is pretty much always against TOS.
got the first game/shareware on some random “bajillion games collection!” cd when I was a kid. Even if it wasn’t a full game, the amount of game the shareware episode had was staggering. Years later I came across the second part which was released as freeware. There was much rejoicement.
The game sure has it’s BS moments - like nearly impossible dragons/whatever enemies which occasionally just murder you, but dangit I like it. :3
Just got to figure out a way to “double the pixel size” so that all those crusty graphics don’t get too small on my screen, dosbox + win3.1 is nice but… could be better! :P
but then the whole contents of the news would be in the headline, you wouldn’t need to click then, and then they wouldn’t get to show you ads!
I get that they need ads to stay in business, but man the clickbait titles are still annoying :/
most people and/or critics hate witcher 3? o_O
np, it happens. :)
I truly need to give this game another go, can’t really say why I stopped playing it. But it is EuroJank all the way.
Funny tho, I noticed most of the character animations I saw in Elex are straight up the exact same they were in Gothic 3, possibly from even earlier games’ of theirs. Nothing wrong with reusing assets, but damn they’ve gotten some mileage out of them :D
I did state that I can’t remember - entirely possible we did, but it has been quite a while since we played it.
Aliens: Colonial Marines
IMO, the game is better than it’s reputation - at least in it’s current state. After the .ini tweak to fix the alien ai-typo makes it a bit better - afaik, I can’t remember if my group played it with the fix or not, we’ve played the campaign at least 3 times now.
The game’s not a masterpiece by any means, though. It is pretty enjoyable action game in COOP and fairly high difficulty. Sure, arguments could be made that any game is, but game still more fun than not. Now, would I play the game on my own, as single player? Eeeeeeeh, dunno… But if my gaming group asks to play some ACM, I’m down.
Some random points about the game summarized:
I’m a bit two minds about it. On one hand, yea, they are essentially ads for the franchise, but on the other: looks like it’s (probably) high quality and high effort content for the grimdank world I know and love.
What I have issue with W+ is that basically none of the content currently on the service interests me, and for sure I’m not subscribing to a service for ONE SHOW, which (almost guaranteed) will drip feed the episodes - however many there might be.
Would I be down to pay one time fee and just get it on dvd/bd/mp4/whatever? Absolutely. Is it going to happen? Absolutely not, gw would probably consider it heresy.
And I’d rather not go to “rogue traders’ sites” for it.
looks absolutely epic, but just… warhammer+ :/
I really don’t fancy subscribing for literally one show what MIGHT get few episodes once a decade or so.
Negativenancy and all that.
awww. I somehow thought it was coming in 6.13 (which is in testing -repos for arch atm), oh well.
Either way, seems like good stuff for gaming and - hopefully - productivity apps.
using a 3090, switched dlss to use the new transformer -model and it’s GREAT. Basically all smeared surfaces while moving are gone, wet pavement stays crisp while waking the rainy streets…
Kinda feels like the image quality which previously was “DLSS Quality” can be achieved with “DLSS Performance” now, just with higher framerate.
For laughs I tried the dlss -files with other games (The Ascent, PGA TOUR 2K23), and overall the visuals appear more detailed with less artifacting when using DLSS. Apparently the results could be even better if I tinkered a bit with nvinspector and enforced the “J” profile for dlss for the games, too.
IMO, The framedrop doesn’t seem to be noticeable, but the overall image quality seems quite a bit better. (EDIT: rtx3090, mix of ultra/high settings, rt ultra, dlss transformer - tried quality & balanced, 1440p, limiting to 60fps)
eg. The wet walkways stay detailed all the time, gone is the smeariness and brief wait for the textures to resolve to what they should look like.
Also, dunno if patch related but the damn iguana finally hatched for me, for the first time ever. :D
/me proceeds to agressively wait for CyberEngineTweaks to be updated.
Curious to see what kind of an impact the new DLSS4 features have with performance and image quality on my 3000 -series card. But all things concidered, nice to see the game getting more polish (pun intended) still. :)
Rockerboy getting busy on the back seat, with what? Don’t want to know.
Same David Brevik who made Marvel Heroes? That game was plenty fast.
Admittedly didn’t click the article open, so roast me.