Mardoniush [she/her]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Look, I know you’re arguing in good faith here, but…quite a few of us are very familiar with Big Yud’s arguments, and heck, I’m even partially sympathetic to a couple. There is some motivated suspicion here since rationalists and their singularitarian forebears have a habit of going reactionary (Anissimov, Bostrom, SSC, countless others) or having close ties to reactionaries (Thiel, most notably). I see no reason to believe you are like them but do realise a lot of transhumanist arguments are weaponised as right wing stalking horses.

    But as someone who has been following and occasionally interacting with him since our Halcyon Youth on the Extropian mailing list, I’ve learned that

    a) Yud can be spectacularly convincing and also spectacularly wrong by his own admission (see early work like “Staring into the Singularity” for this.) so you should cognitively guard against his rhetorical tools.

    b) He has a habit of eliding and abstracting concepts so that they appear as a single consistent thing when they are actually several things, while appearing to do the exact opposite. This is most apparent at subjects he is not an expert in, quantum mechanics most notably (I think many worlds is correct, I think his argument for many worlds is bad. I am semi competent at the math of quantum mechanics)

    I have specific, nuanced critiques of his main (not entirely invalid) argument on AI doom, but this is generally hard to get across because most of his own supporters don’t fully understand it.

  • The Tribes games are actually in the same continuity as the earthsiege/starsiege/cyberstorm mech pilot series.

    Every TES game has you smash, vanish, or otherwise mess up one of the key structures of reality in the world as the goal of the game. None of them can be truly destroyed but at this point things gotta be looking bad.

    The indie game called Heaven’s Vault has your characters foster mother as a primary antagonist and a religious fanatic but the Ng+ implies she might be right about everything.

    Pretty much all the archaeology of Elden ring and the fact that even the earliest civilisation visible might not have been the first.