My pixel 8 throttles as soon as I’m not using WiFi if it’s warmer than 21°C outside… It hasn’t shown me any warning but it has randomly shut down before.
My pixel 8 throttles as soon as I’m not using WiFi if it’s warmer than 21°C outside… It hasn’t shown me any warning but it has randomly shut down before.
I’m starting to really dislike android. A lot. Material you isn’t picked up by anyone but Google and a few apps here and there.
Stock android is a joke, it barely works.
Pixel flavor android has been the same for three years only adding ai nonsense to the latest releases.
My pixel 8 has awful battery life and gets super hot on light use like, listening to music over Bluetooth.
How the fuck did we end up here. I want a redesign. I want a consistent redesign that doesn’t age as badly and quickly as any android design has. Everyone in the design community keeps glorifying material design over iOS but honestly iOS has aged way better than even the newest design of material you…
Yeah definitely I remember being totally fine watching YouTube videos on my phone speakers on my Nexus 6 and even my OnePlus 5t in the morning before school, but I have a hard time doing anything but tiktok on speakers nowadays, my p6 and my pixel 8 sound completely garbage…
Alright, perfect! The charging pad is also most convenient
I am fine with the battery needing replacement in general, I want to prevent it from getting warm often, so that it doesn’t bloat again when it’s put of warranty like my P6 did…
But it still quick charges and gets pretty warm until it reaches 80% and then continues an hour before the alarm :/
Same… It should really be a default or a regulation… It also annoys me how flawed the fair phones are as devices…
I am jealous of your experience :') I would love to love this phone
Ohhh thats such a useful resource! I’ll try it on my OP5t and if it works I might switch over and get rid of Google services finally
Edit: Oh graphene is pixel devices only? Dang… Might be tok risky for me then
Does graphemeOS give complications with banking apps?
Last time I used a custom ROM I was locked out of online banking, which is quite the deal breaker for me…
If it isn’t I might just give that a try
My phone history is
-samsung gamaxy S3 mini
-Nexus 6 (2014/15?-2017)
-oneplus 5t (2017-2021)
-Pixel 6 (2021-now)
So I don’t change out frequently either but I do think this will be my shortest time if using a phone this far.
Network connectivity is barely functional, I did look into having it replaced but I was told I couldn’t since it’s appearently not a manufacturing issue.
The battery lasts maybe 2 hours of screen on time, when I commute to work I have to charge before I get on the train home. It also overheats like crazy. It gets really uncomfortable in my hands…
The camera takes awfully oversharpened images, overuses HDR and everything comes out looking like digital noise.
The fingerprint scanner is awful. It is always faster to use a pattern to unlock my device. Often it doesn’t work at all and I’ve just disabled it now cause it failing to work kept locking me out of important apps.
Bluetooth connectivity keeps failing, and other basic functions like the led flashlight go unresponsive very frequently
With how awful my P6 is ageing I wouldn’t count on it…
Me not trusting pixel phones toast more than 2-4 years is the reason I still won’t buy another one. If I see people actually still use the p8 by 2030 I might buy one again.
RT is a feature on phones now?
I am involuntarily on the QPR beta (2) and all of A14’s battery improvements that came to my P6 are gone again, my phone’s battery life is as awful is it ever was. I lose 40% of battery life in ~ one hour of screen on time when commuting
NPC als Bezeichnung für fremde zu verwenden bedeutet im Folgeschluss dass man sich über diese stellt.
Ich hab erster Hand Leute gesehen die NPC rassistisch verwendet haben und auch welche die es Sexistisch verwendet haben. Wie es auch im Wikipedia Artikel dazu steht, hat der Begriff rechten Ursprung um sich über linke lustig zu machen. Dass rechte sich gerne über andere stellen ist nichts neues.
Jemanden als NPC zu bezeichnen geht sehr oft mit einem Überlegenheits komplex einher.
Auch das Jugendwort Kerl*In ist total absurd für mich. Ich weiß dass es von den Leuten kommt die denken dass das Wednesday frog meme immernoch witzig sei, und dass sie das Kerle darin einfach gendered haben.
Dass man wenn man in die Kommentare schaut in denen es um das Jugendwort geht aber direkt transphobe Leute sieht die trans Frauen so bezeichnen sagt auch einiges.
Ich glaube das ist nun das dritte Jahr in dem slay zur Auswahl steht? Es wird Zeit dafür.
Reception is awful. It is rare that I actually have a stable connection if I don’t have WiFi. I used my OP5t to check if it really is a device issue and yeah it is. This is only slightly better of I leave 5G on, which is an absolute battery killer.
The battery already barely lasts me a day. If I wake up really early for my standards, let’s say 6am, and I have to commute even just 30 minutes and I spend that time on my phone? Yeah I will have to charge again at like 3pm latest.
The finger scanner is so unreliable that I stopped using it at all. It kept locking my banking app, it never works on login, and even when it does work it never does so on the first try.
The camera produces over sharpened garbage. I have never seen images this heavily processed. I luckily found open camera as a replacement but it’s very outdated and not great to use. One upside of it is that instead of having the blue app icon break the material 3 theme on my home screen, I can hide it in the quick tiles…
Oh god that’s so stupid…
The whole point of the weird Barbie is that it’s being badly treated by kids, and was once a normal Barbie… Why do they now sell what we all did to our barbies at some point as a brand new one
Having read the book more recently than watched the movie, but isn’t this very obvious?
The electric animals are reduced to a reference in the movie while they are a really important part of the novels world building and the different characters motivation for a higher status…
Having now read the article too I gotta say it’s a really weird take to say the usage of blade runner for the movie and the job deckard does is inherently better is a weird take. They are my least favourite additions from the movie actually.
The name might be easier to market but the job now being percieved as detached from the police department harms the story in my opinion.
… Didn’t 15 release only like 2/3 months ago? I google the timeline and in March we already get 16?! And it looks identical and no changes on the surface… They should really do more steps between. We haven’t had an update that should get a new number since the pixel 6 launch and the first material you design