Would Elon be more upset about the fact that the painting implies he’s gay or that the painting implies he’s the bottom?
Who does No. 2 work for?
The reaction afterwards is really boring, trust me.
teleports behind you Nothing personal, kid… But would you like to be the love of my life?
Relevant username
Watch, execs think the takeaway is to make more R-rated movies.
Or some bosses in Dark Souls.
Do I need to add this filter or are the uBO devs going to update the extension to include it ootb?
Off-white collar crime.
Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s sentence.
Benis = boy penis
At first, I thought the catcher was a guy crouched with a gun and was shooting the batter in the ass.
Goddamn, the joke gets worse the more I inspect each panel.
It’s because your immune system is less efficient at lower temperatures. So being cold doesn’t directly make you sick, but it can indirectly contribute to getting you sick.
They don’t call it the Cleveland steamroller for nothing.
What do you think the cell towers are triangulating and forming angles with? The person’s phone is the third point in the triangle. You only need two other points to triangulate something’s position.
Two cell towers allow to get precise location from angles.
But using two cell towers and angles would literally be triangulation…
The man loves going to brown town, what’s wrong with that?
That was an act