I’ve actually been off my meds for a minute. I haven’t had serious issues, but I definitely need to go refill…
I’ve actually been off my meds for a minute. I haven’t had serious issues, but I definitely need to go refill…
Good analogy. Thank you for the thoughtful response!
I’ve absolutely done it before because I’m weird. Entering 1:90 (on my Kenmore microwave) ticks down 1:89… 1:88… etc. until it hits 1:00 at which point it will continue as normal to 0:59.
1:60 behaves similarly.
I have a feeling the “add 30 seconds” button will correct it to proper time format, but I’ll test it for science.
Only one in this thread willing to talk about the real problems.
All the computer mice, headphones, and keyboards…
The connector cable it comes with will spend 10,000x as much time in my hand than the item you intended to give me.
deleted by creator
Yeah, I guess left-leaning white males are just as underprivileged and oppressed as people of color and women. We should rename it to “conservative white male privilege.”
My high school had a pretty big exchange program (up until COVID) mainly from China, Vietnam, and Spain, and I hung out with them all the time after school, and some of them even more 😅. Very pleasant experience getting to know about them and where they came from, and it was always super fun and interesting to see how they would react or approach American customs or even that of the other exchange students.
Was super bummed out when COVID disrupted that.
Why are you conflating “ghetto”, “gangsta,” and black? 95% of it is about where and how you grew up.
There’s plenty of white guys who, although will never experience and understand what it’s like to live in America while black, understand the struggle of growing up in the ghettos, being socioeconomically alienated, and being pressured to look to the “gangsta” lifestyle.
These three can often overlap, but are importantly separate things. A white guy in that situation won’t know what it means to be black like I do, but I will never have a fraction of their knowledge and experience of what it means to grow up to the streets.
Thinking that they have the “one simple trick” for everything when most matters are actually a complex network of issues where there isn’t one answer.
~40 hours literally a few days ago. Had a project due date through which I procrastinated heavily. Not proud of that one.
I don’t think I experienced any hallucinations, but it sucked. What was weird was that by hour ~33, I tried going to sleep, but failed and ultimately got back up. Hopefully never again.
Edit: just occurred to me as well that of that time, I worked for 20 straight hours. Don’t be like me.
In about five hours I’m getting rinsed by my MMO of choice.
Xaku Prime Access, baby T_T
Yep. It’s hard to point that out when my reasoning gets sucked into a circular black hole.
I’m done responding. People that can be helped can read this thread in the future and maybe realize something about themselves.
You think you’re perfect. You are not. No one is. I am not saying you are a racist. You are a human with human biases.
What you’ve just told me is that you have no interest in discovering and changing yourself to help make a difference. Not to be on any sort of moral high-ground, but I have a really tough time with people that have no desire to learn and improve.
What I’m going to ignore is your assertion that philosophy is not relevant to daily life. That is the stupidest claim in this thread, and it is at the very core of your (subconscious) bigotry. If you can’t see that, then there is no next step.
Would you say skin color is relevant in our daily lives just because some people think it is?
Yes. That was my point. Check your privilege. You don’t have to be a flagrant racist to subconsciously make decisions and judgements based on race (and gender).
I’m not going to explain how inherent and human biases work. If you care to start making a difference, then it’s up to you to understand that you’re not perfect and learn how to start changing how you see and affect the world beyond your idealist rose-colored glasses.
I also said nothing about excluding philosophy discussions. Please do not put words in my mouth.
I don’t have to.
“Is irrelevant” and “should be irrelevant” are two different things. Fighting by saying the issues are not there—regardless of your actual opinion—has rarely, if ever, worked. It’s the same as the “I don’t see color” argument.
Also, why would we exclude philosophical discussion? The point is to make you think. I also don’t know who this particular person is in the OP, but the question itself has no bias. Maybe this highlights our philosophical differences, but I firmly believe that understanding a system is the most crucial step to revolutionizing it.
I want to come try it too lol, been waiting since day 1.
Personally I did not need to put anything into energy for Koumei besides Equilibrium and Synth Deconstruct.
I am very much a “use the right tool for the right job” type player, and your Warframes are tools just as much as your weapons are. Of course you mix the fun in there, but the point is to not make a Warframe into something they’re not and expect efficiency and effectiveness.
As someone in this post already said, Koumei is a probability/statistics frame at her core. She has a ramp up period with each mission, and so in order to almost guarantee effectiveness, the biggest resource you have is time. In other words, she is not going to be effective in short missions. The other big resource you have is your arsenal i.e. the tools you can control going in. The trick is to maximize that by using tools and mods that will mostly give you stats that you know will not be provided by decrees.
So most notably that means not focusing too much on ability strength and efficiency in your arsenal, and instead focusing on interactions that can proc off of the decree effects, or flat modifiers for stats that won’t be touched by decrees such as range and duration.
And the last thing is to accept that your run might suck for the first 30 or so minutes. By around 30-40 minutes, based on probability, your run should start to settle in and you’ll see the pay-off of the decrees.
I have not personally subsumed any abilities yet, but the candidates would be her 3 primarily, and potentially also her 1. Omamori isn’t very useful in its current state considering it doesn’t actually prevent you from dying, and more or less is worthless beyond the small window between not needing damage mitigation and being prone to one-shot damage. Kumihimo is also fairly redundant in the context of her 4, and can be removed if you have no real need for diet Bunraku.
I’ve recently been trying to train myself to lucid dream frequently. The first thing anyone will tell you is to keep a dream journal, and holy shit does it help. Started journaling them on the 2nd of January, and even just a week later I started having very vivid dreams every night. All senses included; and as of a couple days ago, fairly critical thinking (mental math). I haven’t managed to have a “lucid dream” yet, but I’ll get there.
For the sake of completeness, a lucid dream is a dream in which you’ve become aware that you are dreaming. Whether you can control the dream or feel that it’s vivid is a separate concern.
Pretty cool stuff.