I have the 9 Pro and I only ever used wireless charging when I first got the phone. It was a cool gimmick for a couple weeks. Now I just plug in my phone when I need to charge it. It’s faster and more reliable. The only use my wireless charger gets now is when my boyfriend comes over and needs to charge his phone overnight, because he has an iPhone and I don’t have any lightning cables.
My OnePlus Open is supposed to arrive this week and I’m not going to miss wireless charging one bit. I can’t even remember the last time I used it.
Two spirit in a Canadian Indigenous context refers to people who identify as having two spirits inside of them. They have the spirits of both a man and a woman, so outside Indigenous culture I think the most related term would be non-binary.
Two spirit in a Canadian Indigenous context refers to people who identify as having two spirits inside of them. They have the spirits of both a man and a woman, so in terms outside Indigenous culture I think the most related term would be non-binary.
I live in Canada and I’ve never heard of this happening. Did they just straight up ask you this at customs?
25 years old, I live in Alberta, Canada. I learned on automatic and then my first car was a manual. I have only owned cars with manual transmissions since. So much more fun to drive imo
The plan is just full of a bunch of buzz words talking about how we need to “adapt to climate change.” This plan doesn’t actually outline anything the government wants to do to mitigate climate change. Basically, we’re all fucked and the government just wants to pour money into service announcements telling you to be safe in the heat or in areas prone to flooding.
I saw Motley at a stadium tour they did a couple years ago and Vince was awful. They could have pulled literally anyone from the audience to sing and it would have been better than Vince.
I know you’re being sarcastic, but that was my first thought as well haha
This is super neat. I hope they’re able to figure out what it is.
Do you lay your nose on tissues?
That thumbnail looks like pure clickbait. Why would you believe anything in that video?
Makes sense
Is it alleged if there’s an Amber Alert? There has to be pretty specific criteria met for them to issue one of those
I swipe and tap to type. It really depends on what I’m doing. If I’m typing one handed, swiping is really nice and super fast. I’ll also swipe to type if my phone is on the table and I’m only typing with one finger. If I’m using both hands, I will generally tap to type.
Edit to add I used SwiftKeys on Android
Becoming?? It has been for awhile. Which is ironic because “Alberta beef!!!”
Calgary is considered affordable? Good lord. I can’t even afford proper groceries here anymore
That’s like that Black Mirror episode where the people are required to keep their eyes open and focused on the screen for everything
You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift is always a crowd pleaser
Just an hour and a half to go!!
I’m convinced their username says “its no tits” and no one can convince me otherwise