If you can’t stand anything else, I highly recommend giving vertial mouse a try. It took me around hour top to get used to it and forget that I switched mouse types, and I also regularly switch between vertical for work and regular for gaming and it’s effortless.
The point is that the mouse is, well, vertical, so you don’t have twisted wrist. It’s a pretty small difference and it’s super easy to get used to it, and the mouse costs basically the same as a regular mouse. I have been using one for 15EUR for years now, and am pretty happy with it - I don’t see any reason why not to make the switch, if it has a health benefit.
I highly recommend looking into vertical ergonomic mice. It’s really easy to switch to (took me around an hour to get used to it when I randomly decided to get one), I regularly switch between regular and vertical for work/gaming and I don’t even notice any difference, and they are reasonably cheap (I’ve been using one for 15EUR).