Wow! 5 years to life. Do not fuck around and find out in Asia.
Wow! 5 years to life. Do not fuck around and find out in Asia.
My body tells me when my shoes are wearing out. Gradually I’ll get a new ache/pain and I’ll check my mileage and it’s about 400. Tread wear also reflects this. My old trainers become my new walking around shoes but my trainers are for running only.
Ah. I’ve heard great things about Babylon 5 but the first couple of episodes didn’t draw me in. I’ll have to give it another shot.
DS9 I watched. What’s on the left?
I pay $10 a year to license my dog. My dog has to be rabies vaccinated to get his license. He’s issued a tag with an ID#. The vet has to report his vaccine info. I get a certificate with a vaccine number too. I suppose I’m fortunate to live in an area with this as a requirement but I think it’s pretty easy to get around this too. I live in a metro area. I suppose in more rural areas, licensing and registration of dogs isn’t the norm.
My dr recommended physical therapy. I went to an orthopedist. Told me to jog/walk versus run and reduce length/distance. Recommended to continue doing squats and deadlifts and to reduce weight. Add more stretching and planks. Prescribed an NSAID called Meloxicam. I haven’t started therapy yet but I am walking 3 miles per day to stay active at 3.5-4 mph. Jogging doesn’t feel comfortable. I ordered a brace to see if that will help.
That was another case in Spain. Not the guy in Korea. The person in Korea didn’t distribute the images.