Fuck, I’m sorry to hear that comrade.
Fuck, I’m sorry to hear that comrade.
Yes, amongst many others who never ever did. There was one conservative commentator who actually did it and admitted it was really scary and unpleasant and that in the moment he felt sure he was going to drown, but the idea that his version of it (choosing to do it willingly, for not more than a few seconds, in a friendly environment surrounded by people who do not wish you harm, and a full medical and psychological support staff on hand) was even close to the experience of victims is absurd.
Water boarding wasn’t even the most common form of torture at Gitmo. And one of the worst wasn’t the sort of thing that got focused on by the press (like sleep deprivation, pressure holds, mock execution, dogs etc).
Almost 50 prisoners a day were force fed twice a day each, with each session regularly continuing for 2hrs at a time. Yasiin Bey / Mos Def worked with Reprieve and the guy who made Senna to film him undergoing the procedure (again in a closed environment with people who knew and trusted, other doctors on hand etc) and it pretty much completely broke him in minutes.
The footage is really disturbing, so I won’t post it here, but going through 4 hours of that a day at the hands of people who kidnapped you off the street and hate you on principle and even enjoy subjecting you to it is honestly impossible to grasp in it’s horror.
Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay, good cop bad cop is the role-play / Those are real men don’t forget / Locked up no charge four years and counting / And the pressure ain’t really mounting / cause you media bods wanna keep your jobs / and you radio knobs wanna keep your jobs / And the good DJ’s get nighttime slots / it’s a load of crap, like planes made them two towers collapse / Like that? straight down? You’re mad! / When we’re old and grey kids’ll be like “Mum! Dad! / surely Bush and Co were the enemy?” / Same way no one believes these days Oswald killed Kennedy / Change foreign policy the remedy / This was a war about energy supply / “It weren’t about terror” that’s a goddamn lie / And it’s even been proved that our leader’s lied / And the war on terror’s racism in disguise / And we still don’t vote when foreigners die.
I promise it wasn’t me, despite the username.
deleted by creator
Train equivalent of police dog.
That’s what we get for doing something that’s actually useful instead of being market grifters or whatever I guess.
Yeah, I have an oestensibly white collar job (although that hasn’t really meant anything for about two decades) and same.
Clusterfuck Economy or Clusterfuckonomy?
All those stairs make it unlikely that random people will burst in on you almost succumbing to homoerotic desires with your fellow lighthouse keeper.
I know we agree that there was only one true Germany but that wall obscured a lot more than just the view.
I had family on both sides of the wall and they were overjoyed at it coming down, even if for some it was only because it meant they got to see family and friends they hadn’t seen in decades. Many stayed with my my uncle in the west for weeks, even a couple of months. Some stayed permanently, others went back to the East.
The wall and the iron curtain had a dual effect for both sides. The grass could always be greener on the other side just as it could always be worse.
There were definitely family members who settled in the West after the wall came down to be with family or because while they had a baseline of security in the East they were still broke with few or no career prospects. Some of those came to regret what they left behind. Some of my family in the west were stunned at the realities of the East after only ever being fed tales of misery and secret police oppression.
The idea that there was “nothing left for them back home” was shared by at least one family member who was an ideological (if disillusioned by the time I knew him reasonably well) communist. Not because he didn’t understand the cruelties of the West, but because he knew the (Communist) party was over. Plenty of people sensed that the Soviet dream was over, defeated. They could go back to the East, what was about to be a newly Capitalist East to be governed vindictively by it’s former enemies, but what would be the point? Better to be with family in the more prosperous West if it was going to by the cruelties of capitalism either way.
And frankly, you look at the way that the German state has treated, mistreated, underfunded, and looked down on the former East over the years and it’s hard to argue that they weren’t right.
Wong went up repeatedly against anti-Chinese activist Denis Kearney, heckling him and at one point challenging him to a duel, and giving Kearney his choice of weapon: chopsticks, Irish potatoes, or Krupp guns.
Decade bingo card spot: we’ll see an ICC defense arguing that you can’t be charged with war crimes if AI was part of targeting info software.
The bi-partisan eugenicist project continues it’s accelerating trajectory.
I spoke to a Labour MP about this (and the similar approach to unemployment benefits) and got the usual boilerplate “dignity in work, government costs, blah blah blah”.
Instead of making the usual (correct and moral) counter arguments I decided to try something else, asking instead how a government that is…
pushing increased AI and job automation as the solution to business growth and shrinking government departments
overseeing a reduction in worker rights and abandoning policy ideas to reduce exploitative or ‘always on call’ work (zero hour contract legislation for example)
overseeing a benefits system that increasingly penalises and discourages part-time and voluntary work, while deliberately pushing end users into low paid, low skill, often explicitly exploitative, 9-5 full time labour intensive work in an effort to hit targets for removing people from the system
…can possibly hope to achieve these aims and square that of actions and economic incentives.
They didn’t have an answer. At all. They tried a few weasel words which I pushed back on and they all but admitted it doesn’t make sense. “You do make a good point” was the exact phrase before they brushed it off and excused themselves to go and ‘urgently’ chat to someone else about ‘something’ before they left awkwardly.
It’s bullshit and they know it’s bullshit. There’s the ones who are fully on board with this neoliberal eugenicist ideology and there’s the ones that certainly aren’t going to stand up against it but mostly just don’t want to think about it. And they’re both complicit.
There’s a new episode about this.
Venn Diagram Showing The Crossover Who Are Still Ridin’ For Biden & Want To Run His Ghost Against Trump