MooDengist [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2024

  • I’m saying it’s much much later and it wasn’t industrial capitalism kicked into high gear that did it this is just you going. “The British woke up one day and found themselves at the helm of an empire.” You now saying… “Well of course I also was saying all those other things.”

    But here’s the kicker you said and I’m going to quote you

    Europe was pretty much a backwater until the late 1400s* and England had the unique conditions to develop agrarian capitalism and later industrial capitalism.

    *Even at 1500 CE, China and India’s estimated domestic production massively outstripped Europe and it wasn’t until industrial capitalism kicked into gear that this changed

    You are quite literally off by more than 300 years giving people just like wrong timeframes and you haven’t adressed the main point which is this:

    The usual sterotype of nineteenth-century economic history is that Asia stood still while the Industrial Revolution propelled the West forward. That’s only true in a superficial sense for one asia lost it much later, around 1850s, and it was not because one region industrialized while the other didnt but that there was a deliberate attempt at deindustrialization of Asia through policy.

    Again you can say all you want about what you meant or intended but that isn’t how it’s read how it’s read is

    *Even at 1500 CE, China and India’s estimated domestic production massively outstripped Europe and it wasn’t until industrial capitalism kicked into gear that this changed

    ‘A short time after 1500 Europe started to do capitalism with manufacturies and then industries while asia stood still.’ When again Asia didn’t which I pointed out like sorry you weren’t saying that in your initial post and are just now retroactively saying that ‘Obviously this is what I meant’ when you simply didn’t write it out and it read exactly like ‘The West industrialized while Asia stood still.’ which is doubly ironic because it is something I hear libs say so many times why the third world exists, it just happened. When the reality is that the third world was made.

  • The usual sterotype of nineteenth-century economic history is that Asia stood still while the Industrial Revolution propelled the West forward. That’s only true in a superficial sense for one asia lost it much later, around 1850s, and it was not because one region industrialized while the other didnt but that there was a deliberate attempt at deindustrialization of Asia through policy. The looms of India and China weren’t defeated by ‘the market’ but they were forcibly and violently dismantled through wars, invasion, opium and one-way tariffs.


    “It is very likely that, in the middle of the eighteenth century, the average standard of living in Europe was a little bit lower than that of the rest of the world. When the sans culottes strormed the Bastille, the largest manufacturing districts in the world were still the Yangzi Delta and Bengal, with Lingan (Modern Guandong and Guangxi) and coastal Madras not far behind. India along produced one-quarter of world manufactures and while its ‘pre-capitalist agrarian labour’ productivity’ was probably less than the Japanese-Chinese level, its commercial capital surpassed that of the chinese.”

    Philip Huang

    “The overall economic development of the Yangzi Delta in the Qing exceeded that of ‘early modern’ England”

    Bin Wong

    "Specific conditions associated with european proto-industrialization - expansion of seasonal crafts, shrinking farm size, and good marketing systems - may have been even more widespread in China [and India] than in Europe.


    “The lower Yangui appear to have produced roughly as much cotton cloth per capita in 1750 as the UK did cotton, wool, linen and silk cloth combined in 1800 - plus an enourmous quantity of silk.”


    "The Chinese GDP in absoulte terms grew faster than that of Europe throughout the eighteenth century, dramatically enlarging its share of world income by 1820 (32.4% vs 26.6% of europe)

    Shit even Marx pointed out that the brits liked to hide their incredibly bloody business when it came to capitalism so I don’t know how yours is like materialist. If you are going to correct someone try to be correct I guess?

  • Guy is talking about Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri a super old game and Civilization: Beyond Earth the spiritual successor, in fact quite a few people have tried to do a spiritual successor to Alpha Centauri and most have failed, because most fail at the good part of Alpha Centauri which is its story about 7 factions/ideologies fighting it out. Beyond Earth couldn’t stay serious and so most of the factions leaders are charicatures that don’t believe their own ideology same as Pandora. Like they have an Ayn Rand Hypercapitalist guy and in the original game the guy believes his own stuff fully while in later editions he’s the ‘I’d buy that for a spacebuck’ guy.

    Edit: Just a few quotes from AC

    Life is merely an orderly decay of energy states, and survival requires the continual discovery of new energy to pump into the system. He who controls the sources of energy controls the means of survival. -CEO Nwabudike Morgan “The Centauri Monopoly”

    The popular stereotype of the researcher is that of a skeptic and a pessimist. Nothing could be further from the truth! Scientists must be optimists at heart, in order to block out the incessant chorus of those who say “It cannot be done.” -Academician Prokhor Zakharov “University Commencement”

    You see in this dome the intermingling of native and earth plants. Outside, they are competitors, struggling over the trace elements required for life. Often, one destroys the other. Here, they are tended with care and kept well nourished. They thrive together, and the native fungus does not unleash its terrible defenses. As you can see, competition is unnecessary when resources are plentiful and population growth is controlled. -Lady Deirdre Skye “Planet Dreams”

  • Pesto is just some big bird white people made popular because they can’t deal with Moo Deng and here’s the proof:

    -Australian Zoo -Wow look how big -Started on tumblr

    Also of course mainstream media immediately was all over their great white hope saying stuff like ‘Move over Moo Deng here’s Pesto’

    In conclusion it’s a Moo Deng world and you are all just living in it.