You can install KOReader on Android as well. Well it lacks OPs material Design requirement, but it fulfills the other.
Former u/MrMagnesium on Reddit
You can install KOReader on Android as well. Well it lacks OPs material Design requirement, but it fulfills the other.
Das einzig richtige:🚽🧻
And if you travel a lot and invest in a BahnCard 50, long distance trains are not that expensive anymore. A Flex ICE ticket from Nuremberg to Hamburg will cost you 80€. Fuel will be more expensive. Well, if you buy the ticket a week earlier, you can get it very cheap like 13€.
Let me present: the new constructed high speed rail line Wendlingen-Ulm, next to Autobahn 8.
ARM devices with general available and useable drivers. I want to install Linux, Android, Windows on any ARM devices fast enough in a similar way it works for x86 devices.
Ich habe zuerst Bonbondrohung gelesen.
Sounds like the piece of legacy software I have do deal with.
Lass dich davon nicht Stören.
Fucking NIMBY’s doing fucking NIMBY things.
May I introduce you: webxcel
If you are ok to play the cum** game with him, why not?
** Cum Ex
Nicht zu vergessen, der Wirkungsgrad von Solarzellen sinkt mit steigender Temperatur der Module erheblich.
Our federal chancellor will join, too 🦜.
Lol, that’s exactly the same what I’m doing.
Warum nicht das Bürgergeld erhöhen und eine Transfergesellschaft für die ehemaligen VW Mitarbeiter schaffen? Dann kann man VW ohne schlechtes Gewissen pleite gehen lassen.