This might just be me but every post in my feed is marked as NSFW including post that shouldn’t be marked as NSFW.
This might just be me but every post in my feed is marked as NSFW including post that shouldn’t be marked as NSFW.
So now I will have the opportunity to pay for ads versus seeing them for free, nice!
I am already looking forward to the reboot where Skeletor is played by Joaquin Phoenix.
That’s a fair point.
Is it worth the hype that Apple and cell carriers are throwing at it? Not really, but do I, as a user, enjoy a lot of the new features? For sure.
Double tap to type to Siri is great, and access to ChatGPT for answers Siri doesn’t know is much better than, “I couldn’t find the answer. Would you like me to search the internet?” And as a person with slight dyslexia and ADHD, Proofread is a fucking god send.
I get the point of this meme but if you look at the photo of the assassin he’s wearing a beige backpack with beige shoulder straps. This just seems like a guy wearing a similar jacket on the wrong day. 
Beautiful. Just. Beautiful.
I like to imagine he got snapped while on a flight on his private jet…
Stupid Jimmy Pesto.
The article doesn’t specify what drug was used that violated the NFL’s PED policy, performance-enhancing substances policy, only that he’s in good spirits and not looking to fight the suspension.
“What would you say you do here?”
Ah but there’s the rub. The lack there of of proof and logic is the exact reason Stratasys brought the suit to the Eastern district court of Texas. This is the same court where patent trolls go to win their fairy tale suits based on antiquated and overly broad patents that they purchased from long defunct companies. In the Eastern district court of Texas it’s not what you can prove it’s who do you know. Also known as corruption.
lol. If the right could read/ wanted to the Bible would be one of the first books they would ban.
“Ah it’s just a platypole, pole dons fedora, PERRRY THE PLATYPOLE!?!”
Combustion Inc. FTW!
For sure at least once, the Steelers earlier today. Steelers beat the Falcons 18 to 10. Of which all of the Steelers points were scored by their kicker.
With every article I read about Roku and their current trajectory, they, as a company, remind me more and more of Veridian Dynamics from the show Better Off Ted. Soon, Roku will be selling an office chair to companies that helps keep their staff on task by not letting them get too comfortable.