Yes that was pink uniforms and Bibles for all the men because sheriff Arpaio liked to shame prisoners and ask for citizenship papers from anyone that was guilty of being Hispanic in Arizona.
Yes that was pink uniforms and Bibles for all the men because sheriff Arpaio liked to shame prisoners and ask for citizenship papers from anyone that was guilty of being Hispanic in Arizona.
They were returning from their honeymoon.
ICE is lazy, instead of looking for actual violent criminal illegals, they just set up in airports looking for anyone with brown skin.
I wonder if they have pink uniforms for the LGBT prisoners?
I fully support breaking the long held tradition of the first foreign meeting being with America.
Time to move up the EU visits and trade partnerships.
It needs no remake. The original movie made a statement that needs repeating in today’s day and age but is still effective by just rewatching it.
Xenophobic nationalism can’t do anything but crush bugs by throwing as many citizens at it as possible.
This wasn’t the exact message in the original novel but our planet’s current direction politically is definitely leaning towards fascist tendencies in more than one country.
I support the NDP but I have moved somewhere with little chance of a seat going that way so more than likely I’ll go for whichever party shows better chance of beating the conservative candidate.
There was a few quotes together I saw a day ago one from a psychologist who analysed Nazis who said lack of empathy was the common thing he saw in all the Nazis, the other quote was from Elon and you can infer from it that he has a very distinct lack of empathy.
Britain’s history of crushing native populations for financial gain like in Ireland and their need for political power in the middle east mixed in with their antisemitic desire to get Jewish people anywhere that wasn’t Britain, I’m sure it didn’t hurt to kill brown people in order to do it.
He knows enough to know he would not want to give several states worth of leftish leaning angry states the vote that would take any chance of him remaining in power. Not that there would ever be a vote again in America if he got to the point of taking a run at Canada and Greenland.
Yes, back around 24 years ago I was picking my sister up from her university and went into the student union building. The pizza place inside had a pizza with potatoes, broccoli and some kind of meat. I believe it was called the Sunday dinner pizza.
People with vending machines aren’t going to be happy, those new ones won’t fit.
These 10 percenters all think they will be Uncle Enzo and his pizza company while in reality they will be running low cost Rent-a-Copz outfits in rotted out strip malls in middle America when the real wealthy people crash them out of the system becoming untouchable ultra elites.
She might be the one that Libs of Tiktok has an unhealthy stalkery lady boner for.
More likely they would be telling white women learning other languages in preparation to emigrate elsewhere that they aren’t allowed to leave the country as they are now property.
Any Israeli born in Israel is therefore a settler colonial ethno-nationalist, doubly so for those who come in with birthright citizenship wanting to brutally steal land from Palestinians in the Westbank.
These youths need a national jobs program, with training and then sent all over the country to repair and maintain the infrastructure of the country that is likely in disrepair.
Give people purpose and they might gain a drive to either do good at that job or do anything they can to get a better life outside of work.
As for the misogyny, make feminist pornography the only porn available at worksites. I don’t know, that one is a harder issue to fix.
If your notebook gets rained on and you risk losing your notes to water damage then you can solve that problem by getting water resistant notebooks.
If you want American products then Rite in the Rain makes many sizes and shapes.
There is a Western Canadian company that makes them as well called Duksbak. http://rdpenhall.com/index.html
So the pipeline is a viable target now.
Blow that shit up so it can’t be used again, or send drones down inside it so they can blow up the fuel depot at the Russian end.
Bribed in that they don’t want to risk their donors like Democratic Majority For Israel not giving them money because a govt shutdown would mean money wouldn’t go to the Israeli baby killing machine/ genocide.