Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.
I use arch btw.
Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, a Russian psychological warfare operative, and db0’s sockpuppet.
Pronouns are she/her.
Vegan for the iron deficiency.
Illegally obtained evidence can be admitted to court if it is decided that it’s more important that it be admitted than not. For example if I illegally record you admitting to being a serial killer to me, this is likely to be admitted since murdering lots of people is a much more serious crime than illegal recording. See 138 Discretion to exclude improperly or illegally obtained evidence in
Police are limited in how they obtain evidence. If I’m squatting on your farm and I see you bury a body you better believe that my testimony can be used as evidence lmao.
The activists will be prosecuted separately if their identities are discovered, and their lives will be destroyed in the interest of protecting the meat industry and preventing people who eat meat learning the necessary abuses.
Bute is a shining example of the failures of drug policy. GHB is, aside from having a low therapeutic index and being contraindicated with alcohol, not very dangerous as far as drugs go. In a better context, especially one in which concentrations were known and manufacture required the addition of say a dye and a bitterant to help prevent date rape it would have been much less harmful.
Bute (which is metabolised to ghb) is diverted from industrial sources, which increases risk of contam. The metabolic delay causes people to redose and then OD, and it’s harder on the body because of liver metabolism. Because of it’s valid use in industry in large quantities it’s almost impossible to control.
Yay, good work. Such winning. Saving so many lives. I love ODs and organised crime.
exhausting your vote might be bad depending on your seat.
Also be careful with some minors. There are a lot that are essentially just the LNP or worse.
Yeah I’ve seen him called that and I enjoy copying it. To be fair to him, which is easy since there’s so little to defend, he’s not a Nazi. He is a racist fascist though, so we’re wading into the phylogeny of idiot ideologies for evil morons to mark out the differences.
Dirty to pull this out now. If it works, if there really is a smoking gun then this is masterful politicking. If it backfires it’ll be another classic second term labor foot-gun.
The LNP under “90s Queensland police are too kind and understanding to aboriginal kids” kipfler can’t be handed the reigns of government. Australia will take decades to recover if it ever does.
e You’re fine, it’s practice.
Some of those wires are quite thick which will pull heat away fast making soldering with shitty equipment hard. A good soldering iron* set to the correct temperature will help massively. Flux gets you then last 20% of the way. Most solders are flux cored, but a little pot of rosin flux you either dip the end of a wire in or dab on (i use a sharpened chop stick because no static and cheap) and suddenly the solder flows like water.
Remember not to heat the solder and instead heat the joint. My favoured technique is to “tin” both sides individually and then put then against each other and a quick touch with the iron to make the joint. Ensures you have good contact and doesn’t require growing extra fingers although it is slower.
Hobbiest electronics don’t need perfection, some failure is fine you can always repair it since you made it.
Never be embarressed to learn a new skill!
edit: here’s my impatient soldering of the last couple of days:
Some of the joints are garbage (had to rewire some, lost patience) but if you look at the joints in the foreground you can see how much neater tinning each side and joining can be.
Hi, Aussie here. Entirely expected and unsurprising. I mean Hitler learned from the USA.
Been watching the usa destroy everything nice about Australia for my entire life and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Good luck, please don’t our government again if we elect another socialist.
Those prelubed long grey fingers just do it for me mate.
All the blokes I’ve met that are happy in love are just gentle and respectful, especially of consent.
Turns out, and I know this is a shocker, we’re not fucking aliens we just want to be treated as equally valuable and interesting people.
Non vegans at least have the excuse of being deeply indoctrinated, and having 90+ percent of people reenforcing and defending their behaviour. The ultra rich dont.
Was talking about the Paris commune in particular, the national assembly is an example of where rich people fall. Rather than share bread they’ll install fascist military dictatorships.
Keeping people in a cage is crueler and riskier than just killing them. If anyone voluntarily gives up their wealth and power I’m all for forgiveness, I’ve never seen it happen but even serial killers have voluntarily turned themselves in and sought help.
I don’t think you quite grasp just how far gone the rich are.
Intervention for people falling down into the propaganda? Sure. Once you declare yourself the enemy of almost the entire human species idk how much tolerance you deserve.
You don’t accidentally decide that killing everyone who isn’t a straight white cis man or a subserviant straight white cis woman is a good and worthy goal.
Like I don’t care how lonely you are, that’s fucked. Join a stitch and bitch don’t plan a race war.
It’s absolutely not 0, people constantly try non violent means of renegotiating social relations and get nowhere, in fact they usually get executed for the trouble. Revolutions have left people alive and they consistently side with counterrevolutionary forces and violently crush anyone attempting to improve equality.
I mean french revolution says hello? The worst that can happen is they scuttle off, rouse reactionary forces, and violently oppress billions again. Which they have consistently done no matter how attractive the proposed alternatives have been.
Also people who aren’t vegan and have encountered the idea also suck, so that isn’t exactly making your point.
I’m not getting into this. The rich willfully demonstrate every single day they are more intentionally anti-social than the most psychotic serial killers. They are pure aberrations, utterly remorseless, completely without empathy. They happily commit mass murder with the wave of a pen again and again, they are engaged in active omnicide. Literally they are actively killing entire ecosystems to avoid a life of staggering luxury vs a life of unimaginable luxury.
Nobody has ever demonstrated an effective treatment for such a disordered mind.
Scandanavia doesn’t rehab billionaires lmao.
If you have a way to rehabilitate them don’t hold back.
tbh you can’t exile people anymore and getting staggering rich requires sustained campaigns of oppressive violence and exploitation.
It’s self defence, you’re talking about people that have demonstrated a complete lack of empathy and a complete lack of wanting to use their resources to rectify that or limit the harms they can do.
These aren’t like people with FAS trying to do anger management courses because their brains got damaged. They’re unrepentant, remorseless, and cruel. They had the resources to do literally anything to demonstrate contrition and chose not to every single day.
That Australian number seems inflated by property. People bought houses 40 years ago for a handshake and a nod and now the houses are “worth” 2 million dollars or whatever. But if you sell your house you need to buy another one and they come in 2 sizes: million dollar family home or million dollar shoebox studio in the city.
So it’s monopoly money.
Yeah black screen with mouse cursor is the thing. If I check the logs it’ll complain about errors trying to get display foo. Can switch to a TTY session and kill shit and get display back if I restart X.
nfi why the mouse cursor still works.
No they do it to avoid being sued by litigious gangs full of murderous thugs.