I have Aftershokz, and for what they are, they’re better than most of the in ear buds I tried. Better quality, cleaner sound.
I have Aftershokz, and for what they are, they’re better than most of the in ear buds I tried. Better quality, cleaner sound.
I mean, there are a lot of projects that were supported by like one guy that stopped updating it 10 years ago, that’s true. But more often than not, if the software is useful enough, there will be a modern fork of it, or someone rebuilt it from scratch, or the functionality was repeated by some later project, or at the very least it’s very easy to patch some modern dependencies, and there is a very easily googlable helpful instruction on that.
Personally, I know of only two big products for which this isn’t the case, and they require 20 years old kernel to run, but those are esoteric outliers, and I’m not even sure people are still using it.
I was assured on a numerous occasions, that there are legions of armed Marxists walking around, waiting for the glorious revolution to start or whatever. I guess, it’s not exactly true either, huh
When the time to abandon legal means comes, it’s already too late.
It’s a curse of the tech world. There are always some bullshit problems, there is always the need for tuning, tinkering, and generally fucking around with your system. No matter the OS, you will encounter some non-trivial problem at some point, that’s just the price of complexity. At least Linux is made for that and is opensource.
And a lot of companies will actually form and move to Canada to get in on better trade aggreements, more stable rules and regulations, and smart labour practices allowing them to have an access to a great labour pool.
This exchange will undoubtedly benefit common folks, and by extent, the economy. I suspect this benefit will be bigger than a loss of some tax dodging labour laws escaping corpos.
Thanks for sharing! You saved me some headache, that’s for sure
Hm, maybe there is something in modding? Have you tried vanilla?
This is the biggest argument to show that all that big talks about 2nd amendment was nothing but bullshit all along. US is in the middle of fascist takeover, and what good their 3 guns per human brought them? Are there any consequences for fascist dismantling the very fabric of democracy?
Turns out the only thing all that abundance of guns is good for are school shootings and elevated crime rates, nothing else.
Are you… do you think Biden destroyed Gaza?
People you described don’t have better or worse time with different types of user interfaces, it’s all incomprehensible to them. Average Joe with zero skills can’t check boxes in some weird menus, just as they can’t write text in a weird black box. We’re talking about people who are at least a little curious about their OS.
Any human written code can and will introduce UB.
And there is enormous amount of safeguards, tricks, practices and tools we come up with to combat it. All of those are categorically unavailable to an autocomplete tool, or a tool who exclusively uses autocomplete tool to code.
Also I don’t see how you will take more that 5 second to verify that a given function does not exist. It has happen to me, llm suggesting unexisting function. And searching by function name in the docs is instantaneous.
Which means you can work with documentation. Which means you really, really don’t need the middle layer, like, at all.
I haven’t run into any of those catastrophic issues.
Glad you didn’t, but also, I’ve reviewed enough generated code to know that a lot of the time people think they’re OK, when in reality they just introduced an esoteric memory leak in a critical section. People who didn’t do it by themselves, but did it because LLM told them to.
I you don’t want to use it don’t.
It’s not about me. It’s about other people introducing shit into our collective lives, making it worse.
That’s why you use unit test and integration test.
Good start, but not even close to being enough. What if code introduces UB? Unless you specifically look for that, and nobody does, neither unit nor on-target tests will find it. What if it’s drastically ineffective? What if there are weird and unusual corner cases?
Now you spend more time looking for all of that and designing tests that you didn’t need to do if you had proper practices from the beginning.
It would probably a nice idea to do some kind of turing test, a put a blind test to distinguish the AI written part of some code, and see how precisely people can tell it apart.
But that’s worse! You do realise how that’s worse, right? You lose all the external ways to validate the code, now you have to treat all the code as malicious.
For instance, to seek for specific functions in C# extensive libraries.
And spend twice as much time trying to understand why can’t you find a function that your LLM just invented with absolute certainty of a fancy autocomplete. And if that’s an easy task for you, well, then why do you need this middle layer of randomness. I can’t think of a reason why not to search in the documentation instead of introducing this weird game of “will it lie to me”
Oh wow. Looks like I need to reinstall it then. Is it modded or vanilla?
But I can select nearly any software since Windows 7 and it will still work on windows 10/11. That is far less common on linux.
This is so demonstrably, laughably not true it’s not even funny.
Most people I know that are on Windows are there for two reasons: they either have no idea what they’re doing, they bought a laptop that had Windows on it already, they have a flowchart of buttons to press to achieve results, and when interface changes, they are in panic and I need to come to them to make a new flowchart. Or they’re using Windows for the last two decades, never tried anything else, and know about Linux from random comments on the internet that scare them into believing that evil Linux is completely incomprehensible.
My wife is an English teacher. When we got her a new laptop, instead of buying Windows, I installed Arch (I use Arch btw), which is wildly considered the most evil of the evil Linuxes, and believe it or not, she is completely happy with it (well, as happy as one can be using a computer). The amount of times she needs my help with some random bullshit OS throws at her decreased since she learned a bit about how stuff works. Even using terminal to input some commands turned out not to require wast amount of knowledge like some people imply.
“I’m sowwy, something went wrong :(”. No logs, no error message, no nothing.
God I hate it so much.
How do you know what to type in a CLI
The same way you know where the setting you’re after located. As my little experiment showed it’s not obvious if your problem isn’t trivial. And if it’s trivial, you can be sure it’s trivial on every modern OS.
If you spend a fraction of time you spent learning your GUI on learning the set of commands you have, it will be very easy for you. There is autocomplete and there are various helps, and there are conventions a lot of the software follows. If you’re literate, it’s fine.
Well, that’s moving the goalpost, isn’t it? We started with “Linux bad because reading hard” and “Windows good because mouse click boxes easy” and now we’re in “windows is just works, no need to change anything”.
Well guess what, this is also not true, you do constantly need to fiddle with Windows, it’s just sometimes you can’t edit what you need, and you’re out of luck.
This is the whole problem. When it’s too late, it’s too late, definitionally. You can’t do shit against full on authoritarian government. You can’t do shit even if you have community. And you don’t have community, Americans hate each other more than anything, and it turned out most of them aren’t smart, so they’re ripe for the picking for every asshole imaginable to fuck them sideways.