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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I go into a meditative, Zen-like Trance playing the Doom titles.

    For reference, I’ve been playing Doom since it came out in 1993, arguably, I’ve played it for more hours than possibly anyone alive on the Internet at the present moment. Maybe over a solid 128,000 hours between D1/D2/D3/D2016/D:Eternal.

    I still play it, various MegaWADS featured in the CacoAwards, and whatnot, but I digress.

    My feeling with this is, as they’d say:

    “Your judgement for the sin of wrath is an eternity in Hell”.

    “Why are you smiling? It’s supposed to be a punishment.

    “No, adjudicator, I heard you perfectly. An eternity in paradise.”

  • This already happened.

    There’s a story about a scout ship that landed in the Western Hemisphere of Sol 3, and they decided to talk with the locals.

    They offered them anything they wanted from the unitary matter replicator, as a show of good faith.

    Unfortunately the counselors had absolutely no idea what a “pothead” or “stoner” was and so the two humans left after each synthesizing a bushel (a long branch around 2 meters tall) of a cannabinoid dense Terran plant.

    They lodged their reports that the species on Sol 3 wasn’t intelligent enough to understand technology given they requested herbs/plants from a machine that could produce literally any compound known to nature, including cures for many diseases afflicting their world.

    The subchapter text was based on the vocalizations of the pair, who said: “Ayyy” followed by “Lah-Mao”.

    :vivid shrug:

  • I’m a well-sorted Zen Monk in your chart, but you’d really rate autism as more brain-damaged than literal schizophrenia?

    The walking, raving, hallucinating, spiders in the skin, swimming walls, schizophrenia?

    Many people with autism can lead moderate to fully functioning lives, i.e: A good chunk of YouTube content producers who churn out daily videos about a single, highly constrained topic (e.g: bridge reviews in multiple nations).

    I think I’d put autism in Category 2 of your chart, leaving the rest where it is

    P.S: I agree with your intergenerational insanity hypothesis; I’d summarize it as intergenerational trauma, actually, like a psychological debt deferred to progeny with interest

  • Put four pots over the squares over the ground.

    Shoot the dragon head statues, the pedestals raise.

    The pedestals make stone grinding sounds and…

    Only one pedestal has raised, the pots have caused the animation to bug out and the game engine to assume that the pedestal is in the final position on the floor.

    The floor position has the lever locked.

    The game developer never anticipated what a massive idiot I was