Would love to see an hbo style show for Dresden files or for Brandon sandersons cosmere. They both have some fantastic potential.
I wouldn’t mind a cartoony anime style either similar to Vox Machina
Would love to see an hbo style show for Dresden files or for Brandon sandersons cosmere. They both have some fantastic potential.
I wouldn’t mind a cartoony anime style either similar to Vox Machina
Lol knew it was only a matter of time before bambu did something stupid. Always had a funny feeling about them in the back of my head, like too good to be true.
This reads like an XKCD what if. :D
Yuuup stopped watching TV when I moved out. Didn’t even own a TV for a few years till I got one for a PS4. Now I just have a computer hooked up to it for yt and anime.
I can’t stand commercials, and don’t get how anyone watches normal TV when you can just watch full episodes of anything you want online.
I have whole house ad blocking as well with pi hole
I have a TV but don’t have cable, completely replaced normal TV with yt, Netflix, and anime. I use brave browser so I don’t get ads
This is amazing! I love hearing stories like this. Keep up the fantastic work.
I don’t subscribe to much as I try to avoid subscriptions
Bit warden subbed as soon as last pass went to shit Duolingo been studying Spanish every day Crunchyroll anime High-dive anime not on Crunchyroll
That sounds like a pokemon
I got chills the first time I read that, such a good moment
Public bathhouses need to make a comeback. I go to the spa few times a year and soaking in a giant hot tub is divine.
Wish there was one within walking distance cause I would go like 3 times a week then.
I feel like it’s a waste of water to take a bath in my house because the water doesn’t stay warm and it goes away after I’m done. Plus the tub doesn’t allow me to stretch out.
What’s annoying is that some cities in America have spas or bathhouses, but are “men only” and really mean a place for gay men to hook up
I’ve always loved dragons in fantasy genres, specially intelligent talking ones that are on the mcs side.
Also like slimes and love when fantasy worlds play around with different types of them
Same, Bernie is a cool dude, would have loved to see him be president
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
Totally agree, when it’s on social media, I don’t care at all about it, just another thing to upvote and scroll on by
If I’m talking to them, whole different story, because then it’s more personable
Check for clogs in the nozzle And check your extrusion motor, that might need a clean
Filament also might need to be dried, if you hear crackling as it comes out of the nozzle it’s most likely too moist
I think one of the biggest reason is how easy and accessible it is to read manga or watch anime. There are countless sites where you can consume each for free.
I tried a few years ago trying to find a way to read comics online for free and found nothing.
Sure not the most legal thing but when you are tight on cash, last thing I want to do is spend it on entertainment.
I did used to read a ton of comics growing up, but I would borrow them from the library.
Why not just tap the screen of your phone to see just the lock screen? It’s especially convenient my phone is sitting on my desk, just double tap
I have the same thing 😭 I’ve gotten used it it but it’s super noticable at night
Thank you was able to find and uninstall the app with no issues