He’s left of far right lol
He’s left of far right lol
I can only write with friction now, I have ADHD and I often skip letters when writing words so I always have to erase the letter I just wrote. If I’m not using friction it looks horrible
At least you’ve heard of me
Nah it’s “pain perdu” which means lost bread. It’s list because it’s too hard to eat normally anymore
I suppose it could be done launching those satellites from French Guyana still
They actually started from a corner
Between the years you eat potatos
Me without straight or gay sex : 😑
Put potato in the ground, makes more potatos, shit’s crazy
Any minute now
Judges be like : but the law !
My go to beer has corn in it. It’s industrial made but I’m sure it must be extra annoying to make
There’s no air intake at the front, it’s the only one I really noticed like that.
I just woke up at 5:30 I can’t fall back asleep I’m sorry !
That’s a can opener beetle