How’s the BSW voting on this? I know they’re sort of hopping on the immigrants bashing bandwagon but hope they have the sense not to align with the fascists.
How’s the BSW voting on this? I know they’re sort of hopping on the immigrants bashing bandwagon but hope they have the sense not to align with the fascists.
Background checks started in '68, they didn’t become instant until like '93 because internet but they still existed
They may have existed and some states imposed them but they weren’t required federally until the Brady bill in '93 .
there’s never been national waiting periods.
There was a 5 day waiting period required nationally between when the Brady bill was first enacted in '93 and when the national instant criminal background check system came online in '98
Maybe in the mainstream, but the open source, socialist and anarchist communities that populate lemmy tend to be very critical of ideas like intellectual property and copy right.
Not propaganda, just a guy commiserating as his country gets flushed down the toilet to keep some oil billionaires rich until the climate collapse.
Also China is switching off japanese designs in favor of the new fuxing that were designed and manufactured in China and are faster then the latest e7 shinkansen . That’s why Indonesia ordered them for their new HSR. Even if they used japanese trains, they are still light years ahead of the U.S. where we’re still struggling to build our first line.
America sucks, but China is not better
For sure politically, but if I we’re to make a bet economically who’s gonna dominate 21st century industries I’m going with China. There was some hope that Bidens IRA would turn that around but those hopes we’re dashed in this past week.
it’s between North America and South America
You’re thinking of the Caribbean sea, the gulf of Mexico is bounded by the united states to the north, Florida and Cuba to the east and Mexico to the south and west.
It being called the gulf of Mexico or gulf of America isn’t really going to change anything
It will literally require changing every map and GIS database in the country. Think of all the work NOAA will have to do deal with this BS. Even besides the annoyance and cost of updating all of those it will cause confusion with the rest of the world who will still call it the gulf of Mexico.
Innovative industry frontrunners:
solar panels: US China
electric vehicles: US China
trains: US China
A.I.: US China
Fusion Energy: US China
Weapons: US
We’re really making america great again 🇺🇸
Not all athletes have the same needs though. I don’t doubt a marathon runner would need to drink a lot of water , though I doubt even they’d need 2.5 gallons, but does a professional golfer?
I’d argue a quarter back is more similar to the golfer. They aren’t training for speed or stamina, they’re training their fine motor skills and some strength to be able to throw far and throw accurately. If you look at the quarter back on the side line they usually aren’t dripping with sweat like a lot of the other positions are.
Odds are he doesn’t actually drink that much. At the time he was selling electrolytes and if he can convince people to drink more water then they’ll buy more electrolytes to put in that water.
Idk, one of the articles references two high school football players who died from over hydration. Didn’t say how much they drank but it does go to show that you can over hydrate even with a lot of exercise.
Also he’s the quarter back, does he actually do that much strenuous exercise? Yeah he probably has to do some sprints to remain agile but he doesn’t need to run that fast or for that long, he just needs to make quick decisions under pressure and throw well. He’s not a marathon runner or anything like that.
It’s definitely censorship, you can see it on there app as it’s still buggy and will generate a response then halfway through it will delete it and say “sorry that’s beyond my current scope”
It did actually give a good multi paragraph response to “what is a tankie” before it realized that it was a no-no topic.
It’s even worse / funnier in the app, it will generate the response, then once it realizes its about Taiwan it will delete the whole response and say sorry I can’t do that.
If you ask it “what is the republic of china” it will generate a couple paragraphs of the history of China, then it’ll get a couple sentences in about the retreat to Taiwan and then stop and delete the response.
More like the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
What? This isn’t ancient history blaming Clinton or Carter for this. It’s only been 6 months since Biden shit the bed on the debate stage and less than a year since he could’ve seen the many polls that said generic democrat was doing far better then him, dropped out and let the party have a primary.
Are you guys allergic to blaming anyone in the democratic establishment for the shit situation were in?
I mean it sort of is, if Biden had dropped out earlier / never entered the race we could’ve had a primary and gotten a decent candidate who could’ve campaigned for more than 3 months.
Never forget that it was biden’s hubris and stubbornness that got us into this mess.
Do the French and Dutch ever get tired of making fun of Belgians?
It will take independent reasoning to get 100% on this test
And an entire university staff. They went around and asked a bunch of PHDs what’s the hardest question you can think of. I like to think I have independent reasoning and I doubt I could answer one question correct on this exam, much less 10%.
This doesn’t prove ai doesn’t have independent reasoning it just proves it doesn’t have the obscure knowledge needed to reason about the questions.
Do you think the bar does not require independent reasoning? Granted I’ve never taken it but most high level standardized tests require a lot of reasoning. If you had a completely open book / internet access and took the SAT / ACT without any ability to reason you’d still fail horribly for the science and math sections.
Failing that question doesn’t mean it can’t independently reason, it just means it doesn’t have the knowledge to reason about it. That question is basically do you know how many paired tendons are attached to each of those bones and can you add them up. If the ai, like 99.999% of people, don’t know how many tendons are attached to those bones it can’t reason the answer.
If you give the a.i. a similar question with something it knows it can reason through it fine. For example the question:
How many legs do 13 humans, 4 cats and 63 dogs have in total?
Chat gpt 4o gives the answer:
To calculate the total number of legs:
Humans: Each human has 2 legs. 13 × 2 = 26 13×2=26 legs.
Dogs: Each dog has 4 legs. 63 × 4 = 252 63×4=252 legs.
Cats: Each cat has 4 legs. 4 × 4 =16 4×4= 16 legs.
Now, add them together: 26 + 252 + 16 = 294 26+252+16=294.
Total legs = 294.
I guess I can’t guarantee it’s never seen this question before but I’d say the odds are pretty low and the odds that it’s doing independent reasoning as you call it is high.
some of them went to Ukraine and eventually into Crimea instead
Weren’t they from Ukraine / Moldova? In which case wouldn’t it mean they stayed and just got pushed into a smaller and smaller corner like the ERE
Yes, keep blaming the voters and not the democratic party and candidate who repeatedly refused to give them a reason to vote for them. Blaming the voters will definitely win us the next election.
Between '94 and '98, after they mandated the background checks but before they had the infrastructure to do instant background checks.