I remember even TheTechnician27 tried to warn us “it’s going to be zero day heaven!” they said but everyone just shrugged and now here I am with my fellow refugees in the woods trying to catch some squirrels for my dinner.
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
I remember even TheTechnician27 tried to warn us “it’s going to be zero day heaven!” they said but everyone just shrugged and now here I am with my fellow refugees in the woods trying to catch some squirrels for my dinner.
I remember it so clearly man… The morning of October 15 2025, a Wednesday as I recall. People were warned but they didn’t listen. They don’t ever listen.
I’ll never forget the screaming. Millions of Windows 10 computers just spontaneously exploding all over the place. Women, children and men with beards running down the streets of every city just trying to avoid the thousands of computers being thrown from the tops of buildings. The world was never the same after that. I found an abandoned bus in the chaos so I tried to save as many people as I could. We rode into the night towards the hills. Away from the cities and the looting and chaos.
Or you know… it just means no updates and we’ll all probably be fine.
I mean, I watched that whole clip and it pretty much looks like its Tesla mainly buying Teslas right now. As Atrioc said Maga are not fans of EV’s.
Reminder that people like Atrioc, who make videos that are going to piss off a lot of rich and powerful people, are going to be subject to intense scrutiny of everything they do so they can be discredited if needed.
I remember when the came out. Everyone was amazed! lol
Actually yeah you’re right. I watched some review before I dld it and the person there said it was “new”. Should have double checked.
…worst user-reviewed by online players. Single players are like “Hey neat, better quality, better optimisation, 1st person mode and free. Thanks”.
I read this as the Home Office sending a message to people like this couple. They almost certainly know it’s unfair and they may even lose on appeal but they have successfully highlighted the importance for people who travel into the UK to be bloody careful in checking their vehicles (including exterior bicycle bags, if the couple’s claims are true). The downside is that should someone sneak onto a vehicle successfully from now on the chance of them not being reported has risen a bit. There’s also a point to be made I think about the media latching onto this story because they love anything controversial to do with immigration. The other thing I wonder about is the life that boy must have led to get him to a point where he would do such a bold and dangerous thing. Brings home what a cushy life I had when I was 16.
Absolutely, I have a board for work and one for home. I use the work one a lot more though. I’m also very visual so to be able to add a picture of someone’s face or the bit of the house I need to work on really makes it stand out.
I just use 6 lists and I grab and move cards along them from left to right. My lists are very simple:
Would be nice to do Need to do Doing today 🎉 Done today Completed in the last 4 weeks To be archived
I only use 2 automation rules. One rule to move new cards to the top of the list I created them in and a second rule to automatically move cards along the last 3 lists depending on how long they’ve been there.
It’s been life changing for me. I don’t get side-tracked anymore cos I can just dump whatever it is into one of the lists on my pc or my phone. It’s also really helpful that I can put a “Due by:” date that gradually changes from yellow to red as the deadline approaches.
Trello 100% fixed that for me. Also, as someone who NEEDS my little dopamine reward whenever I do a task I found a little trick. If you put the 🎉 (party horn emoji) in the title of a list it blows a bunch of confetti over the screen whenever you drag a task into that list 😁
One of these things is not like the others.
2 day old account.
Oh yeah! I think I remember that now. So that explains why we can’t catch stuff from them cos they haven’t got anything to pass on.
I had a dream last night that aliens arrived in huge ships and just started blasting us from on high like they were just disinfecting the planet. It was quite vivid and reminded me that this is probably the most likely scenario lol
Microbial diversity in relation to space travel seems like such a huge issue to think about but no one talks about it that much it seems. I’ve been thinking recently that the most dangerous thing about any aliens making first contact by just landing in a field somewhere would be the pathogens we would exchange immediately. It’s the pivotal moment in War of the Worlds, for instance, and I can’t see any way to avoid it. I did suddenly realise recently, talking about that movie, that although everyone was completely on board with the aliens dying from our bugs, no one questioned why their bugs didn’t kill us too?
“You’re playing the male lead in a homage to William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and you’re late for the dress rehearsal. Do you think this is a sufficient reason to travel at 48 in a 30 zone?”
Nah go for it! Loopholes welcome :)
Like me! :) I’ve been having lots of fun with it. The AI is so much better and the car handling as well. Didn’t realise till last night there’s a massive collision like derby tucked away in one of the speedway modes. That was fun. Can’t wait for more content to drop.