I get what you’re going for but I have a hard time imagining this as a good thing so long as companies are profit driven.
I have a coworker who is essentially building a custom program in Sheets using AppScript, and has been using CGPT/Gemini the whole way.
While this person has a basic grasp of the fundamentals, there’s a lot of missing information that gets filled in by the bots. Ultimately after enough fiddling, it will spit out usable code that works how it’s supposed to, but honestly it ends up taking significantly longer to guide the bot into making just the right solution for a given problem. Not to mention the code is just a mess - even though it works there’s no real consistency since it’s built across prompts.
I’m confident that in this case and likely in plenty of other cases like it, the amount of time it takes to learn how to ask the bot the right questions in totality would be better spent just reading the documentation for whatever language is being used. At that point it might be worth it to spit out simple code that can be easily debugged.
Ultimately, it just feels like you’re offloading complexity from one layer to the next, and in so doing quickly acquiring tech debt.
It makes very good food (mostly meat) and due to above observation many sous vide recipes call for a quick sear at the end of cook time.
Ideally it’s done with specific bags designed to be used at high temperature, even if the temperatures aren’t as high as oven temps.
Shooting guns is fun and while I don’t morally completely oppose hunting, I think that’s the bigger factor in what you’re referring to as opposed to killing an animal.
Right, the first floor after you ascend from the… Initial floor, which is on the ground, QED.
You wake up back in the real world. What you once thought to be correct, you now know to be right - but the world you now inhabit can not fathom such a reality. Now unsure if it was ever real, you float through life getting on arguments on the Internet, slowly unraveling as you speak of a world that could not possibly exist - except, in The Twilight Zone.
Sandboxes are literally grounds for infinite creativity. Just look at The Lego Movie. No, if there’s an issue with this movie it’s that they aren’t using the sandbox to its full potential, at least as far as our initial impressions can tell us. We have all seen every single one of the story beats shown in the trailer before in other movies.
Women are so cute and I love you too and I love you too [ad infinitum]
I’ll take it.
I came to the conclusion that it was a delightful meringue
I mean, “I don’t want to” is a valid response but it says something about the person and the culture they are raised in. Maybe they simply believe too strongly that it is unethical to say whatever they are asked to, or maybe… Either way, it’s made clear that they can’t or won’t criticize the thing they are asked to. Some things are not worthy of criticism, but most things can be. Especially leaders.
The system leaves us with a binary choice. Even the third “option” of inaction is essentially leaving it up to fate at best, and at worst is just handing the controls over.
The room you’re in is sealed, filling with water, and you can access a snorkel or a fire hydrant.
In this instance, the moderators specifically refused to be fact checkers and declared that fact checking would be left to the candidates. It was a bit of a missed opportunity that Biden didn’t refute more of Trump’s falsehoods.
thank mr skeltal
I’m afraid all we can say for sure is that it’s not a caterpillar.
??? what the fuck