If the owner of the company wasn’t trying to heil a cab on the national stage, people wouldn’t be doubting these EVs nearly as much.
Not that they’re particularly high quality anyway.
If the owner of the company wasn’t trying to heil a cab on the national stage, people wouldn’t be doubting these EVs nearly as much.
Not that they’re particularly high quality anyway.
“Sieg creil”
Daily moka pot user here. My preference is to add a very small amount of brown sugar and then top with some frothed (spun) oat milk.
Guatemalan Antigua, Yirgacheffe, and Peruvian Penachi are favorites, and of course a decent grinder (you can get a hand-turn burr grinder for pretty cheap, but the automatic ones tend to be pricy like you mentioned).
I’m a big fan of French press too, as a back up, which I would imagine is similar to aero - I haven’t had that yet though!
Techdouche Techtwat Techfash Technazi Scum
Is Amy Coney Barrett a Republican?
Supreme Court justices do not serve under a political party. Barrett is considered to be among the Court’s conservatives, but she has served as a swing vote in some controversial cases.
Lol sure.
Like the Hindenburg, I hope.
Just make sure to keep the couch covers on.
The Hitler high-five
I would walk out of this shitty movie.
Get yourself a small hotplate and a moka pot if you like thick coffee. Add a milk frother and your choice of milk (I like oat milk in coffee), and sweeten with brown sugar and top with cinnamon.
It is heaven.
Liar says other liar will keep his word.
At this point so many not-the-onions have happened that I had to check if it was a joke. I’m glad to see this is LSP, but I wish I could trade that reality for some of the other craziness of late.
They’re unionized but lack the ability to strike.
And, yes, it does make the union largely useless. They can file lawsuits, and cite law, and involve themselves in employee arbitration, but that only matters when the opposition engages in good faith.
This is a national security threat. The database accessed contains private information for a huge amount of people. SSNs, DOBs, addresses, names, and pay. That’s for federal employees, retirees, anyone on Social Security income.
It pays government contracts (hey it’s not like Elon has any of those!), it can be turned off, it can be manipulated, the data is being stolen via unverified, unapproved external drives, and God knows what is being installed into this system. Also, the people who are in charge of it are locked out.
Let’s not forget Elon is a foreign born immigrant who overstayed his visa (an illegal immigrant you say?), was denied the appropriate security levels after his background check, recently had been in contact with foreign governments and tried to manipulate elections, has been courting far-right parties like AfD, and on a national stage threw up a Heil.
This is a goddamn joke.
Without enforcement of law, no law throttles him. He’s a dictator now, so rules are out the window.
Patriotism, but as a Front.
Yeah, but now you’ll know what he did! And what he got away with.
It’s like bragging. People go to jail forever for some of this kind of shit, and he’s just gonna waltz on into the White House again. Hell, people go to jail forever for less.
One tier justice system. Sure.
The Titsy Fly
This is a helpful way to break down Nationalism vs Patriotism. Nationalism being a delusional belief that we are the best, and Patriotism being a love for your country and fellow citizen and striving to be the best.