Maybe for some privileged and self centered people
Maybe for some privileged and self centered people
Yeah dude me obviously.
Paying to go to work is wild
Why are bathrooms segregated? Is everyone in there looking at each other’s genitals? Why does it matter? Can guys not pee in front of women?
Lol Tim Apple. You terrible human. May you never have a peaceful day in your life
What? That hasn’t been the case…
He’s the epitomy of that German word that means “face that looks punchable”
Have you tried being born rich and influential?
That painted a funny picture in my mind 🤣
I mean might as well
I’d watch that porn
Even his name exudes privilege. Who names their kid Bret anymore? Seriously…
Dude just take the win. The perfect hero isn’t coming. This isn’t a Disney movie.
Glad you’re not my boss. Who hates joy?
Maybe we shouldn’t have slave owners on our money? I dunno? Just maybe…
Why would you say crazy, nonsense things like that?
I’m loving it so far!!
It’s not an accusation if there is proof… I think you’re mistaken by the MAGA party. You know the party that said COVID wasn’t real but it turned out to be very real. They said climate change isn’t real but the whole nation experiences absurd weather conditions all year. They said Jan 6 was a day of peace but people got hurt and killed. Some feared for their life.
Please sit down. You don’t know what a lie and a truth are. You probably can’t tell the difference between a fact and an opinion either.
Donny loves the poorly educated