I was almost with you on this one. Just because they’re against the guys you don’t like doesn’t make them heroes.
I was almost with you on this one. Just because they’re against the guys you don’t like doesn’t make them heroes.
Reagan was a lot of things but he sure wasn’t a Russian asset.
Can’t tell if the way small minded bigots stay away from the best parts of every country is a fun coincidence or causal.
South Africa, so well known for being racist against white South African emerald mine heirs.
Sure, so they don’t have power right now. Republicans control both houses of Congress and the presidency. Blame the voters who wanted this scenario if you don’t like it.
Schumer is playing the long game trying to get power back at the midterms.
The fascists will do what they want either way. They only use laws when it is convenient for them to do so.
If that’s your actual stance, then none of what Schumer or any Democrat does, matters at all.
What the fascists wanted was to be legitimized by bipartisan support of their bill. They wanted the Democrats to consent in advance. To take the next small step willingly.
In what world is this the thing that matters? You’re really saying fascists would do whatever they want regardless of all laws or institutions, but…not really, the one man holding them back was Chuck Schumer, minority leader in the Senate.
Chuck Schumer has handed the country over to the fascists in exchange for nothing because he serves the same billionaires.
I see how you’re getting here, he does fund raise from Democratic billionaires, but the Internet Leftist urge to just dismiss anyone with any political power as not ideologically pure enough and thus the enemy puts such a small ceiling on the movement in terms of actual political results. Nothing to do with this comment thread it’s just something that annoys me.
There wasn’t a sudden realization from Schumer that flipped his opposition on Wednesday to his support on Thursday. That was his obvious cover to try to hide the billionaires he serves. Don’t fall for it.
He flipped overnight, ok. What’s the more likely scenario, he got some overnight polling that showed people were going to blame the Democrats for the shutdown so he switched out of political necessity, or he…secretly agreed with the Republicans the whole time but decided to pretend to oppose it for exactly one day for no reason.
Whoever controls the messaging can blame the other party for the shutdown. Democrats don’t bother to even have a narrative let alone control one.
Voters are not dumb, they just don’t all agree with you politically. They blamed Congressional Republicans in the Ted Cruz shutdown over Obamacare, and they blamed Trump in the shutdown over the Wall. Because those are the people who caused it. In this case, it would be the Democrats forcing a shutdown.
Given enough time, we were always going to have right wing authoritarians back in power.
But call me an idealist, I didn’t think it would be actual Nazi sympathizers. Thought the brand was appropriately tarnished what with the Holocaust.
Whoever shuts down the government, loses. Republicans can’t just veto the bill or not pass a budget. But they CAN pass something Democrats don’t like and then blame Democrats for shutting down the government if they filibuster it. And voters WOULD blame Democrats, because they would be the party blocking the bill.
Run through the logic, after they stop this budget. Trump does whatever he wants while people blame Democrats, and eventually the Democrats cave and pass it anyway after allowing irreperable harm and harming their ability to take back the House in 2026, or they cave by letting Trump whatever he wants indefinitely.
Bold Black Canadiano? I’m pretty sure that’s what it is.
This is the second time Donald Trump has been elected with full control of both the House and Senate. It is not surprising that an old man in the same scenario would behave the same.
Stock market won’t be abolished. So I guess you gotta hope for 1 outta 2
After the 2016 election, until the 2024 election, the Democrats won every election of every National political body except the House in 2022. It was a solid run electorally.
You can complain about what those political bodies accomplished, but not that they didn’t win.
We are 5 years to the day from the last pre-Covid event I went to, a baby shower. People from NYC were there too and I spent the next two weeks worried they somehow infected my clothes or something that was going to get me later because we had no idea how it spread.
If you need 50% more person-hours, hire 50% more people.
I saw something like this in the documentary Mark Wahlburg film The Happening.
(Bernie Sanders caucuses with Democrats)
I want to know what the state of the art AI sex robot is right now. Because they have those realistic-ish sex dolls, and some pretty advanced LLMs that can chat conversationally, and longer term memory is starting to get into the LLM repertoire so your bot can remember things about you and reference them later.
I feel like we’re 3-5 years away from a high end AI prostitute startup becoming huge.
He didn’t “handily win” he won by 1-2 points in the swing states.
It tracks with an anti-incumbent sentiment, people are not happy with inflation so they voted against the incumbent, they’re still not happy and still voting against the incumbent.
The reason sanctuary cities exist is because law enforcement in those cities needs community buy-in to help solve other more important crimes. A witness to a murder or a victim of domestic violence might not come forward if they are undocumented and might get deported for talking to the police.
No way to really track it because by definition they’re going unreported but I can only imagine what kind of horror show is going unreported due to these raids.
Republicans put national secrets at risk while bombing Yemen.
You: The important thing to say about this is that Democrats support genocide.