Just having a conversation. You know, the entire point of platforms like this. But I guess shutting down the coversation is cool too.
Just having a conversation. You know, the entire point of platforms like this. But I guess shutting down the coversation is cool too.
So you’d be cool with President Vance?
It was enough for me. It was not enough for people who heard one guy talking about issues that mattered to them (albeit by offering bullshit solutions that don’t actually address the problems) and another saying “well, we aren’t that guy and everything is getting better” when people felt like it wasn’t getting better for them. There was not enough of a positive platform presented for progressives to support and too much targeting of Republicans that don’t like Trump. They obviously targeted the wrong audience.
How much of the new government will end up being subscription-based?
EDIT: spelling correction
What do you propose as a solution? Just curious.
I can’t help but wonder how many unpunished felonies are represented by this picture, aside from the obvious ones dead center.
Facts only matter to people who understand that facts are real and measurable things and not opinions and feelings.
The entire right wing of the country absolutely went off the deep end when a black man was elected president. Make no doubt about it, the Republican party was always awful and on the way to getting worse, but Obama’s election was the the catalyst that drove mainstream conservatives into conspiracy theories and ultranationalistic race identity politics.
Or it really was the Mayan calendar ending. Or not enough dicks out for Harambe.
Rearrange the letters to I, C, and E, and they are fully in support.
From another answer the user provided in this thread, it sounds like the point was saying “Fuck Joe Biden” while self-censoring themselves because they felt like the reporter who said the NASCAR fans yelling “Fuck Joe Biden” said they were saying “Let’s Go Brandon” as an act of censorship.
So pretty much the point is saying “Fuck Joe Biden” without actually saying the words, which is what we all thought they were doing, while adding some sort of ironic anti-censorship tweak to it by censoring it.
Sounds like a long way to go when they could have just said “Fuck Joe Biden.”
Department of Unabashed Shit Heels
I’m gonna be depressed for the next 4 years.
I would like to personally give this congressman the biggest and swiftest kick to the nuts that I can muster. What an inhuman monster.
The Gulf of Latin America
Weird way to make the economy better for working people. Hmmm
Party of projection who loves to call everyone snowflakes.
How does that boot taste, Ronnie?
Can there please be a virus that is easily vaccinated against that causes permanent vocal paralysis that these shits can contract?
What we ought to do is line them up against the wall, too.
Same. Don’t leave me here.