Livable planet :)
Livable planet :)
Every dead soldier had it coming, actually
It’s the shooting part that’s the problem you sack of shit, it’s the using food as bait for a death trap that’s the problem, you fucking cretin
hell yeah brother, raise hell praise Dale, unionize the pit crews 😎
oh, okay random Internet person, whatever you say 👍👍
The people fighting to defend Palestinians from their imminent ethnic cleansing are a “cancer”, but the same is not said for the occupying nation committing the cleansing.
claims to be a free thinker
Parrots the most common opinion in western society
claims others are brainwashed instead
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017 by Rashid Khalidi 👍
There’s that classic homophobia, always juuuust below the surface, all it takes is a little scratch for it all to come flowing out 😌
incredible amounts of nazi-treat-defending in this thread. wish I could say I’m surprised but, of course, I’m not.
gets mad when a cartoon is criticized
starting the timer to see how long it takes for this to be removed and for you to be labeled redfash or some such nonsense
Okay, well, if you feel like reading a book sometime, I highly recommend Patriots, Traitors, and Empires: The story of Korea’s Struggle for Freedom, by political analyst Stephen Gowans (he’s not a commie, no reason to be scared)(edit: he’s a marxist), it goes into the history of the Korean peninsula, starting from the Japanese colonization in the early 1900s, through WW2, the division of the country into North/South, the Korean war, through to present day, answering why North Korea (DPRK) is where it’s at today.
Here’s an article that goes over the basics of it all, if you’re not up for reading the whole book (but it’s a very good book)
Conflating Judaism with the state of Israel is antisemitic. Cut that shit out.
Are you capable of engaging with TB’s points instead of falling back into insults to save face?
Accelerating climate change and an increase in consumer car culture (more cars on road to kill bugs = less bugs)