Timewarp is right, I thought “Am I having a stroke” halfway through, half convinced it was like the onion shootings copypasta, then I saw the date.
I wasn’t surprised the first time either.
Timewarp is right, I thought “Am I having a stroke” halfway through, half convinced it was like the onion shootings copypasta, then I saw the date.
I wasn’t surprised the first time either.
Thought the image was a crowded beach
After you bang you’re sent on your way as usual
I will do it if quoting lazily at the end of a sentence without quotes, like what is f(n) ?
This was in a way by design, Sega and Microsoft had an very interesting relationship at the time. With Windows CE on Dreamcast, Isao Okawa meeting with Bill Gates to try to save the DC library, and Peter Moore moving from Sega to Xbox.
It reminds me of how the PlayStation was originally supposed to be a SNES CD before they went their separate ways.
Maybe every time he tweets at them, they should just delete their twitter accounts
Yes, totally, thank you for this. Read it to my spouse. Good luck to you both! I stay up late with a list to do next day stuff if necessary, could be useful for hiking. Significant other says staying up makes me cranky anyways haha but it helps me
Huh? I guess the current model is, via a bank? And this rumor is that Apple would be the bank? Who cares?
Ah, Brock Allen Turner, convicted rapist, now you mention it
Since they’ve made paramedics do a degree, they’ve been using that increased knowledge to justify whenever possible not taking people to hospital, even against doctor’s wishes. A lot of this is insurance costs as well as turn around time.
Yeah sorry it’s a cheque
Rough people height generally feet (“a 5ft lass”, “he’s gotta be 7ft!”), actual height in m or cm. Except above a certain height and then well it’s a 15ft drop or a 3000ft munro
Old people who still remember old money
diluting the gravity
In fairness he did say it was “fake physics”
♫ When the spacing is tight / And the difference is slight / That’s a moiré ♫
Are these both American-style very high water level toilet bowl problems?
Because it was unfinished? I’ve literally dreamt about the final chapter as dlc
And anyone in their vicinity
For the web view one, I was told by IT that it was my fault I’d updated Teams, they had to go into windows add remove programs and update edge web view manually… but I have no recollection of this …and even theoretically if I did, how does an entirely ms stack get into this state except through Teams being a shitty citizen