• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • I’ve read that Hitler intentionally gave government-departments overlapping authority, so that they’d be in turf-wars, so whichever one “lost” could then be shut-down…

    It wasn’t incompetence, it was intentional: a means for force-dismantling government’s function.

    IF the point of having the incapable running the different departments … is so that total-dictatorship later becomes “justified”, then it is a strategem, not a mistake.

    & differentiating between unconscious-strategems vs conscious ones …

    … as an example of unconscious-tactics, I’m now certain that Hamas’s strategem of using the lives of Palestine as bait, to get Israel to demonstrate its nihilism & sadism & narcissism & machiavellianism ( etc ) on, …

    … so that in future, the entire-region wouldn’t care what “deterrent” Israel had, … that such a huge percentage of the region’s population would be committed to annihilating Israel at ANY cost, … that Israel’s annihilation becomes inevitable…

    … was completely unconscious.

    But it is effective.

    I don’t bet ANYthing on Israel existing, as a country, by 2029, now.

    Trying to sort-out the … bucket-of-vomit, which is what geopolitics now is … with all its unconscious-strategems & insane tactics & sickening “values” …

    I’m betting that Trump will use the consequences-of-his-people’s-incompetence to “justify” greater, & more-complete, highjacking of the US of A.

    I absolutely do not believe it’ll result in the Dems regaining the US:

    that opportunity was thrown-away with the election that Biden wouldn’t get out of, until it was too late to save.

    1. differentiating the convenient-to-the-left-belief isn’t journalism, it is just more of the filter-bubble that cost the Dems the 2024 election.

    2. seeing such things not with the superiority/contempt of the left, but rather with the … how is this going to be dealt with and adapted-to by the ruling-regime, how are they going to use this to further their highjacking? would be much closer to journalism.

    3. humans are mixtures of unconsciousness & consciousness, & much of our “tactics” and “strategy” is actually just unconscious-instinct & feelings-motivated stuff, so it doesn’t matter whether it is unconscious or conscious, it doesn’t matter whether it is contempted by so-and-so, or whether some caste/class of people are condescending about it, in Natural Selection, it only matters if it works. Pay attention to if it’s viable-enough to continue taking our world down, not to what the upper-middle-class-left are saying while denigrating it.

    ( feel free to contempt everything I said here, but I’m sooo damn tired of filter-bubble making-believing substituting for the survival-stuff that humankind needs … & every mistake made by anybody can be changed in significance by circumstance,

    so the whole “they’re failing, & we’re going to be their ‘daddy’ when they do” narrative that much of the upper-middle-class left that I’ve seen is identifying in… is just more ignoring/denying, with a price-tag counted in lives later this decade.

    Pragmatism would be a good thing, now, & “it’s only a won-game when it’s completely finished” would also be good to live by. )

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  • Which is why I cannot understand why people aren’t simply repurposing Lemmy to be a self-publishing platform, where one puts each category/subject in its own /c/ and one can keep publishing articles all the time, no hassling with any owner-platform, or whatever,

    & then one can just have a FundRazr for ( hopefully, not too likely, though, given the get-but-never-give culture this world has bottle-fed into the last few dozen generations ) getting paid.

    The Guardian fired most of their journalists, now, in the change-of-ownership, & that’s only a single example of how “journalism” works, nowadays ( ALL the others are equally selling-out journalism, ttbomk… …sigh… )

    so, self-hosting, making one’s own platform, seems to be the only sane alternative, then just federate with whom you want…

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  • This is seriously one of the profoundest insights among our modern world, dammit!

    To whomever prokopetz is, I owe you, Hoomin … that is incisive understanding!

    _ /\ _

    ( I’m typing-out all the text, as that is an image, which means it isn’t indexed-as-text by any search-engine spidering this page, & I want that text spidered, getting into the search-engines )


    Thesis: the narrow focus on public performance over substantive action in certain activist circles has less to do with the cynical schemes to game the system for progressive brownie points, and more to do with the fact that many folks basically think social activism is a form of ritual magic. Popular histories give us images of Great Men making speeches and leading marches and circulating petitions, and completely erase all the ground-level infrastructure that made all that stuff work; the end result is that a lot of folks seem honestly to believe that bringing about social change is a matter of performing the appropriate symbolic actions and waiting for reality to reconfigure itself accordingly.

    #politics #activism #discourse

  • I’ve skimmed the comments on this page, but nobody’s hitting the right target??

    Here it is from the least-adulterated Christian bible I currently know-of ( I’m Vajrayana, obviously, so this is just identifying their prophecies, not proclaiming that their fulfilment is somehow immanent … I hold that this is more pertaining to reincarnation, but Christians reject that, obviously… their root-guru benJoseph’s sow-reap-law === karma )


    Matthew 25:31-46

    Complete Jewish Bible

    31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, accompanied by all the angels, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be assembled before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates sheep from goats. 33 The ‘sheep’ he will place at his right hand and the ‘goats’ at his left.

    So, you’ve got Trump making a “goat” idol?! lmao

    34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you made me your guest, 36 I needed clothes and you provided them, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ 37 Then the people who have done what God wants will reply, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and make you our guest, or needing clothes and provide them? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’ 40 The King will say to them, ‘Yes! I tell you that whenever you did these things for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did them for me!’

    41 “Then he will also speak to those on his left, saying, ‘Get away from me, you who are cursed! Go off into the fire prepared for the Adversary and his angels! 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 a stranger and you did not welcome me, needing clothes and you did not give them to me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they too will reply, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry, thirsty, a stranger, needing clothes, sick or in prison, and not take care of you?’ 45 And he will answer them, ‘Yes! I tell you that whenever you refused to do it for the least important of these people, you refused to do it for me!’ 46 They will go off to eternal punishment, but those who have done what God wants will go to eternal life.”

  • it’s got to do with presumed entitlement ( altering one’s identity’s frame-of-“rightful”-reference ), then with prejudice:

    IF I have privilege that those homeless-scum/underclass lives don’t,

    AND my privilege is inherent, or earned, or bestowed-by-G-D,

    THEN their inferiority is inherent, or earned, or put-on-them-by-god.

    ergo, prejudice’s justification, & only through protecting-itself can prejudice gain greater significance…

    ( I’m saying this as a guy whose 1st homeless experience was in about 1983, & I’ve earned 7+y of outright homelessness )

    it’s definitely identity-rooted, & it’s definitely segregation-of-validity-to-the-privileged unconscious-mind mechanism.

    As others have pointed-out, through the ages, prejudice is often attacking others out of fear for one’s own weak/flawed “validity”…

    so, attacking the “nonvalid” in order to protect the “validity” of the "superiors…

    I don’t think any mechanism more-involved than that is required, to understand it being normal all 'round the world…

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  • It’s interesting how “racism” & “classism” & “sexism” are actually 3 permutations of the exact same thing…

    sexism: the male class’s prejudice against female-class’s being able to be valid.

    racism: the skin-appearance-class “x”'s prejudice against “y” and “z” skin-appearance-class being able to be valid.

    classism: the “n” class’s prejudice against the “inferiors” whom they are totally-dependent-on, being able to be have validity of their own.

    ( I’ve thus-far earned 7y, min, outright homeless, & therefore have studied unconscious-mind’s prejudices, in me & others )

    factional identity is a scam.

    I think the only ultimate level move is to either identify with Souls/Continuums/CellsOfG-D xor to identify with the entire world’s lives, xor to identify with the entire world’s human-category-lives.

    Anything smaller than that & the prejudice is going to shim itself into one’s identity, ego, & life, making one’s life into prejudice’s puppet…

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  • if Musk’s got a high intellect-quotient, that’s fine…

    What does it measure?

    A very-specific subset of intelligences, crafted to leave-out female relational-intelligences, musical-intelligence, health-intelligence, among other ones…


    identifies 9 intelligences, & I defy most Mensa-types to consistently score high on those other ones…

    It is the IQ lobby which won’t tolerate the other-intelligences to be counted equally-valid, right?

    With reason: they aren’t good at those intelligences.

    ( hint: musical-intelligence includes multiple sub-intelligences, including, but not limited-to…

    • rhythm
    • harmony
    • melody
    • improv/jazz
    • composition
    • polyrhythm
    • etc…

    A person can have a “musical intelligence” of whatever, & be brilliant in rhythm, but lousy in harmony, xor vice versa.

    Too-coarse-granularity’s consistently a problem with these damn measures : )

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  • Here Here: the white-blue-white Russians, fighting alongside Ukraine, against Putin’s forces, they validly are Russian, & they validly oppose Putin’s alignment.

    there were Germans who did what they could to grind-to-a-halt Nazism, including some newspaper, too, apparently…

    same as there are US-ians opposed to what Trump’s working himself up to ( the rampaging of Canada & Greenland, so as to be able to, with Putin on the other side, rampage Europe in total ).

    I once worked with a guy who was from Iran, back in the last century…

    He told me that he was at a political-rally, & suddenly something popped/changed in his brain, & suddenly he wasn’t in the population-trance he’d lived all his life in…

    … he was among a crowd, all shouting slogans, & shaking their fists, & he had NO CLUE as to why this should be happening…

    Having “come to”, he methodically got out of Iran, then…

    Culpability/guilt/responsibility gets really muddy, when you’re talking about populations kept in propaganda-trance all their lives, by the local oligarchy…

    ( this is why Journalism, with a capital-J, which holds objectivity to authority, which makes accountability a real & present thing, is a requirement for civil-rights to endure : )

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  • I believe that either all, or most, world-dominating-species go through this stage, after the industrial-revolutions stage…

    Multiply the effect of our action on our underlying-planet by 10,000-fold, without having us go through species-puberty, without forcing us into maturity,

    & the result is inevitable.

    Whether some subset of humankind can earn growing-up enough, & surviving, isn’t to be decided by our current-established-ignorance/irresponsibility…

    Giving-up on future-generations, & just knifing them all in the back, … may be emotionally valid, at the moment, among the privileged West, as it torches its own viability…

    but it’s still outright betrayal of future-generations…

    & anybody who goes through my comments will see that much of the time I’m guilty of giving-up on humankind…

    but while our normal, our default, our current establishment is net-negative, at planetary-scale, that doesn’t prove that this world’s humankind inherently is net-negative, that there’s no subset worthy of living on after we-the-majority-go.

    MOST of our kind need to go extinct, not necessarily the entire species, see?

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  • India can’t rival China’s productivity: its culture is too different.

    ( dad was of India, but Anglo-Indian/British. I’ve more understanding of India’s culture because family talked about it, than most North Americans, but never lived there )

    I’ve been told that India is the ONLY country in the world, where bribery is normal to get the government-official to actually do their job, whereas normally it’s to get them to not do their job…

    The caste-system’s entitlement conditioning, of the upper castes, compared with the abused-all-the-time lower-caste people…

    that caste-system is itself the enemy of Indian competitiveness.

    You can’t just stick makeup on some random animal & claim it’s actually some completely-different kind of animal…

    The reactions, the instincts are different.

    There are books on offshoring work, & the dangers of doing-so, with different cultures…

    In Japan there is now a “loud American” job-position: the person there makes certain that the operation doesn’t keep quietly accommodating corrupt-management or wrong-strategy, until they’re sunk/dead: the loud American’s job is to speak what the conforming Japanese want said, but wouldn’t ever say, because they aren’t gaijin.

    India’s famous for power-distance: inferiors won’t be tolerated to speak truth to superiors, ever.

    That is produced by their caste system.

    That isn’t competitive.

    It’s deeply cultural.

    Modi’s Hindutva India isn’t likely to lessen that, is it?

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