Snort em by the pocketfull.
Snort em by the pocketfull.
Candy canes and free showers.
No. Reality. This is no slippery slope.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by William Shirer is a must read.
You’re either obsequious or gullible to the point of delusion. They won’t just target their enemies, one day it will be you too. For they must have enemies to target, so when they run out even servile loyalists like you will wind up on their lists.
We have nothing further to discuss.
I’m saying they’re expanding the list of who they wish to detain. Just like the Nazis did.
I don’t believe your questions are asked in good faith.
Exactly. They’re abusive assoles. Fuck them. We’re outa there.
They said they plan to make large scale detention camps to hold and deport up to 18 to 20 million undocumented immigrants. This is exactly what the Nazis said they would do to their target groups as well. It was only after deporting such a large mass of people became logistically impossible that they resorted to mass death camps. That is, if you believe their Nuremberg testimony.
They’ve told us what they plan to do. Believe them.
You clearly have not read the history of Nazi era labor camps. They had very nice sounding propaganda for Germans to believe too.
Don’t kid yourself. They mean forced labor camps.
Oh yeah? You tell that to those Palestinians displaced permanently from their homes as Netanyahu annexes Gaza and the West Bank.
The Far Left Palestinian protesters did this with their bullshit Genocide Joe nonsense.
Try to find the movie Parents. It’s almost impossible. Eating Raoul too.
He’ll get advertisers just as actual people leave.
Guess InfoWars will begin publishing more factual articles, then.
Kinky is as kinky doesn’t.
Hope she’s into orgasm denial.
A type 1 phaser set to the lowest stun setting will melt butter patties if you just flash it on and off quickly.
That will last only until a judge signs a warrant.
Linux/BSD blah blah blah