When it becomes really advanced (we could even do it now, actually), we replace all upper management jobs and leaving human work to human workers, e.g. customer service, healthcare, arts and culture etc.
When it becomes really advanced (we could even do it now, actually), we replace all upper management jobs and leaving human work to human workers, e.g. customer service, healthcare, arts and culture etc.
As long as they’re getting paid well to do a job they want to do and have breaks, I don’t see the problem. It’s a job and in this capitalist world, bills have to be paid somehow. Pretty low effort way to earn some money.
I thought that was the joke.
So I just found out my local Maribyrnong councillor has died of unknown causes in her home. This is quite shocking.
Are you familiar with the bartering system? Rather than money, you would judge the value of the object by how much you needed it. If you really wanted the avocados, you would ask the person who had avocados what they would trade. If you didn’t have what they wanted, you can bargain or try someone else who has avocados who wants what you currently have.
Basically, a money less society goes back to a very simplified society. You won’t be able to get everything you want and will have to, sometimes, settle for what you currently have. It also gives you the ability to trade your skills.
So, you go back to the avocado trader and tell them that you’ll build an avocado shed for them in exchange for a crate of avocados. You both negotiate, exchange and then move on.
It’s more work because you have seized the means of production by making things yourself in order to trade, rather than off shoring to someone else who is likely not getting paid at all. This is why the wealthy absolutely don’t want this system because it’s more work for them, while in the lower class it’ll give more control back. When balancing, there will always be people who lose and people who gain.
It was meant to be pedalphile, as in bicycle pedals, but I obviously mispelled it and I’ve chosen to stick with the name to constantly shame myself.
It was either that or spokesperson and I didn’t think that was clever enough. Ironically, I’ve ended up looking very stupid and I’m fine with that.
I’m having a pretty good day today. I hope everyone here has at least one moment of joy today.
One deluxe seafood curry with hot tea, please.
Blue ringed octopus. Tiny but deadly.
Set up automatic bank transfers to chop your income into % parts: 5% play money, 20% savings, bills etc. do what works for you. Get rid of unnecessary subscriptions.
I think (or hope) most of us know that nuclear is no longer an option for us in Australia and that there are many more sustainable ways to generate energy here.
Welcome to the new era of enshittification where you’ll eventually have to subscribe to access or make posts, and none of it will be searchable on any search engines.
I think it’s more:
Or it could be the rulling class takes the biggest cut, clergy the next biggest etc. with workers at the bottom supporting the entire system but receiving the least.
And where do your stats come from? Do they account for the current cost of living crisis that’s affecting the average person globally? Inflation? Where I am, living on a single income for a family means that you’re likely either in the top 10% of wealth or you’re struggling in poverty.
Additionally, your statement ignores that someone has gone to a university graduation ceremony and made derogatory remarks to the female students who’ve worked hard to get to where they are.
When people find themselves in stress, they will always vote conservative to ensure their own survival. Right now, many young people can’t afford housing, they have to spend more time working than living. This is not surprising.
Happy birthday. I turned 40 this week too. Yay us.
I want complete control of my technology after I buy it. I don’t want my phone to assume things that I like based on my input. If something goes wrong, I want it to be my fault because I enabled the wrong setting. I also want physical buttons. I miss those so much.
Would you believe an idiot though?