From the Wikipedia article:
Solitaire leaks information at a rate of about 0.0005 bits per character. While its security may perhaps be adequate for very short messages, in general Solitaire is considered insecure.
From the Wikipedia article:
Solitaire leaks information at a rate of about 0.0005 bits per character. While its security may perhaps be adequate for very short messages, in general Solitaire is considered insecure.
Last I heard was that instead of selling the crypto they seize from illegal activities/arrests, they’re going to hold it in this reserve. So it’s not new spending, but it will be a reduction in income for the government.
The article mentions and notes “reserve” vs “stockpile”, but my gut take is that he has no idea of the difference and just thought “reserve” sounded better in the moment.
In that description, the two lines wouldn’t necessarily be perpendicular.
Edit: I mean that if you’re trying to apply the same mechanism to the second line, you wouldn’t necessarily end up with the lines intersecting at 90°. But maybe I’m misunderstanding.
I don’t see any stats in the article about the “serge”, and the source linked by the article only offers a weeks snapshot and last week’s #.
ER diagnosis are at 2.1%, up from 1.9% the week before. Not sure that counts as a serge, especially since for all I know that’s within the margin of error.
Anybody have better stats?
Then you’re saying biomass is not really sequestering carbon, essentially.
Coal is sequestered carbon.
No. If you reported $0 in income on your taxes, you get nothing. There’s a minimum income to get anything back. So if you don’t work, you get nothing, so you are incentivized to find a job of some kind.
But that minimum should be quite low and attainable.
No, negative income tax usually requires that you make some money and file taxes. UBI doesn’t.
One has the intention of encouraging workforce participation. The other tries to help everyone.
A negative income that is better than that. It says, if you’re working, but only making $12k, the state will give you money so you now have $20k. (Not real numbers.)
The idea is that it incentivizes participation in the work force, with hopes that the extra money helps you get stable and move up the payscale where you may stop needing the external support.
When did this happen?
When did this happen?
Poor Nick Mason. Only member to always be in the band and zero mention of him.
Keep in mind that Judicial Review (deciding if laws are constitutional or not) isn’t even a constitutional power. It’s one the court gave itself in Marbury v. Madison.
A standard would reduce the barrier to entry, which would increase competition. Can’t have that.
Guess I didn’t realize it’s hitting humans on Long Island pretty well.
“… is now recovering at home … is expected to make a full recovery …”
To save you a click. (There’s not much more in the article.)
Unfortunately, the article doesn’t mention where he got it. Was he visiting some lab or did he get bit someplace some locals should be taking precautions?
(He’s retired, but I don’t know if he still has a presence in the industry or not, giving talks and doing visits.)
There are people in temporate states like CA that just put water in. That’s why I explicitly mentioned it.
+1 to making sure your washer fluid can handle the cold and to making sure your tires handle snow/ice well. (There are definitely all-seasons that’ll do well or better than some winter tires. Unless you know that where you’re moving doesn’t plow down to pavement, I’d avoid studded tires.). Tirerack.com used to have a ton of data about tire performance on ice & snow, so you might look there, but they’ve been reducing the range of tires they carry and rate in the last few years so they may not have your tires.
Find a snow brush for your car that will let you reach & clear the snow off your car. I’ll also say I often am most disappointed by the ice scraper on a brush – meaning that’s the part that makes me regret the purchase of an individual brush.
“Fox” could be confused with “box”, so it goes with “Foxtrot”.
Also, keep in mind that everything is a product of its time.
Yeah, people love being offered a carrot and then having it yanked to be beaten with a stick. Those people definitely won’t hold a grudge and go elsewhere. 🙄