Don’t know about Teamspeak, but you never HAD to pay for Mumble. You could just run the server on any machine you wanted, including the same one as your client.
I assume you still can, for that matter.
Don’t know about Teamspeak, but you never HAD to pay for Mumble. You could just run the server on any machine you wanted, including the same one as your client.
I assume you still can, for that matter.
That’s a very elaborate way to spell “leeches”.
Most of what we experience as taste is actually smell. It’s generally not an issue.
The trick is to not put the smelly thing inside your mouth.
This could be difficult to apply for such an extended period of time, but I generally have good results by just breathing exclusively through my mouth. Pretend you’re underwater and breathing through a snorkel.
This technique has gotten me through many a fart and temporary sewage/fertilizer exposure.
I’ve heard games like Elite are less problematic, since you’re sitting still and the vehicle is moving. Apparently that makes it more natural, compared to moving around on foot in the game but standing still in real life.
In the case of Star Citizen, they used to support it, but since the game is still being actively developed in the alpha stage it kept breaking. Not worth the time and money to keep fixing it, so they put it on hold. As far as I know, they still plan to support it after the main feature set is stabilized and they go into polishing mode.
But I agree, it would be great if it still/already had native support.
They had that in the 80s, too.
We are slowly turning ourselves into Krikkit.
I’m Spartacus!
That was always part of the enshittification formula. The final stage after exploiting users is to exploit business customers to the breaking point.
I’ll believe that if his plan is to unify humanity under his rule.
Your instance would only matter if it is small-scale enough that users haven’t subbed to the originating instances, if it has deliberately defederated from them, or if you are browsing by Local instead of All.
Gulf War: 1990-1991
Idiocracy: 2006
You may be thinking of the sequel, Gulf War II
The problem is all the other people voting the wrong way with their bigger wallets.
Depends on what you’re looking for in FPS games, but Battlebit Remastered is a good time.
Hammerwatch II and Sea of Stars just in the past few weeks. En Garde not far off. The hardest part of gaming is finding the time.
It could depend on time-of-day browsing habits. I’ve noticed NSFW stuff tends to appear more during the night time for the US and Europe. It’s still a small minority of posts overall, though, and I don’t click them enough to observe any trend in proportion of hentai in particular.
Viewing the images directly sounds to me like a different context. Browsing the images is more akin to end user activity, i.e. using the server for its intended purpose. Managing the server is more like making sure it’s running, that there is enough space allocated, security holes are plugged, software is up-to-date, etc. Administrative tasks. When wearing the admin hat, there wouldn’t usually be much of a need to actually look at the photos - you’d be more concerned with file names and metadata, not contents. In that context, the GUI becomes less important. And if you ever do need to see them, you can always fire up the GUI software for that occasional situation.
I saw someone posit that he might have a humiliation fetish. It’s the only explanation I’ve seen that seems rational.
I like anime because I’m weird.