Was also going to write that. Best perk there is. It saves money and time for both me and the company.
Was also going to write that. Best perk there is. It saves money and time for both me and the company.
Doing good feels good. Our brains are wired for cooperation. I think most evil people are miserable.
Almost everyone uses their routers in Germany. I’m happy with them, never even used a different brand. Not as happy with their repeaters though, the ones I’ve had tended to overheat.
I agree. Pokemon once was my favorite video game series, but it has been technically and to some extent creatively stagnant for quite some years now. And whenever people point that out online, there is always a vocal horde of fans coming to Gamefreak’s defense, saying things like “Pokemon never looked good”. Which wouldn’t be a good argument, but it’s not even true. Pokemon games were never technically advanced, but they had a simple, clean look in the 2D/2.5D era. S/V has some really appallingly low-res textures in places that wouldn’t have looked out of place on the N64. It just looks muddy and inconsistent to a point where it’s distracting from the game itself. At the same time it runs at sub-30 FPS quite often.
Probably the only good looking Pokemon games we got this generation were the “Let’s Go” ones. Those had simple but consistently good-looking graphics just like the older titles.
Our standards for “impressive repairability” have really gone down in recent years, haven’t they?
Dashcams are legally controversial in Germany. Generally the common opinion is that they’re only allowed if they quickly delete all recorded data and only save it if there was an actual accident.
The problem with a bodycam is that while it’s allowed to film in public, it’s not allowed to film specific people without their permission. So it would be fine to film a busy street without focusing on any people in particular, but going into a store with your bodycam where it would film your interaction with the cashier would be illegal.
No, as that would be illegal in many situations in my country. I also don’t want cameras pointed at me constantly, so I don’t do that to other people either.
Oh, come on. There are still cities with millions of people, where hundreds of thousands could easily get together to protest. Cities double the population size of the entire country of Georgia. There were much larger protests e.g. in DC under the first Trump administration but this time it’s too much of a bother?
We will hopefully do that, but it’s also up to the American citizens to finally put up a proper resistance. One of the most worrying things to me is how indifferent the majority of Americans seem to be to their country turning fascist and betraying its allies. There were some protests sure, but they’re ridiculously tiny compared to protests in even much smaller countries like Georgia. It’s time to wake the fuck up before power has fully been consolidated and there’s no way back. Europe may be able to stand alone against Russia, but against Russia and the US will be tough.
They’re kana characters which represent syllables. So ら is “ra” when romanized, ロ is “ro” and so on.
Actually took me quite a while to figure out it’s supposed to say “Soul of coffee”, but it’s probably easier to read the less you know about Japanese characters.
I guess everyone’s head is different. The Quest headsets never worked for me, comfort-wise.
Leaving aside the argument about “legitimacy”, how the fuck would that even work when they’re unable to form a coalition with other parties? Should other parties somehow be forced to work with them and adopt their positions? Hardly democratic. Should they form a government alone? They’d never be functional as they couldn’t pass any laws.
If a coalition represents 78% of the vote they should have run together in the first place. Problem solved.
So you actually want a shitty two-party system like in the US, where to only option to prevent the fascists is voting the “lesser evil”?
Why should the party with a relative majority automatically get into power if an absolute majority of people voted against them?
It’s a bit sad that most of the wins we can celebrate recently are basically “narrowly avoiding a far-right triumph” but hey, I’ll take it. Happy for Austria. Hope the new government can show competent leadership.
Somewhere in the countryside with lots of nature around but not too far away from civilization. Ideally in a small country mostly unaffected by geopolitics and with a temperate climate.
I’ll probably go for it, but my worry with standalone headsets is always the comfort. I can’t wear something like a Quest 3 for longer than an hour or so because it puts too much weight on my face, while I could wear my Valve Index all day. I hope they’ve found a good solution for that issue on the Deckard.
Evil is not held back by scruples or moral boundaries. Evil people will do whatever they need to to succeed. That includes manipulating people, something which today’s technology facilitates. Add to that the fact that for many people in developed countries, life is slowly getting worse instead of improving over the last few years. The frustration over that can easily be turned into hate against minorities, foreigners etc.
Unfortunately, Tate holds a lot of influence over many young men. It’s in Musk’s/Trump’s interest to let him continue to spread his message of misogyny and hate.
Not even slightly surprised about the US, but I’m disappointed in Romania for just letting them go.
IMO it’s justifiable when there are no solid European alternatives, but I don’t really agree with an all-encompassing “pirate as much as you can” mentality. There are European authors, indie game developers etc who need to make a living and are very much worthy of support. The Buy European movement is also supposed to be about promoting our local economy, instead of just shunning American products. So I’d say think about what to pirate and what not to.