=> Classic and prog rock enthusiast (owner of @classicrock - join in!)
=> Cat and dog friend
=> Volvo fan (owner of @Volvo - join in!)
=> European
=> Are we gonna do Stonehenge tomorrow?
95% desktop. I use my phone only for calls and banking.
I love Snowrunner, looking forward to this one,
Oh, I didn’t know that, thanks for the heads up.
Taking away the anonymity of downvoting could make the people think twice before they do, I think.
We should have downvotes, but we also should be able to see who up- and downvoted.
Even after such a long time, I can’t bring myself to get this game. There seems to be nothing CDPR could do to sweeten the deal, no discounts, no DLC.
It’s always a “meh”.
Maybe it started a Special Moon-Drilling Operation.
Oh boy, are the floodgates open now?
I don’t know your age, but I can assure you that you’ll get used to the inevitability of death as life goes on.
Sure, there’s nothing you can do about it and it’s terrifying now, but you’ll learn to just not care about it.
The universe is everything, everywhere and always, and you’ll just come back as another sentient being, because that’s how the system proves it’s working. It’s all an eternal cycle.
Everything will be fine.
I don’t because I noticed many people spamming their posts with irrelevant tags.
No, because I’m still using it.
Also, it’s just a website. I’m using it only to get interesting content, not even to engage with other users, because that’s usually hostile and toxic. I couldn’t be emotionally invested in a website, even less in one that has such a shitty userbase.
Just stop smooching deer.
Those “we used your webcam to record you jacking off” blackmail messages. I got them several times, it’s always the same template, just the bitcoin wallet is different.
Didn’t know they were doing part two. I really enjoyed the first one.
Get rid of toxic people, no matter if they’re family or not.
Get a job that’s low stress instead of high income.
“Nutjobs” sounds like a good name.
Is this the Internet version of repeatedly telling your SO how much of a bitch your ex was?
Just watched the whole thing. Wow.
Getting my popcorn while Whang is thinking up a response.