Of all the Microsoft products I’m forced to use for work, teams is by far the best. It still sucks. Fuck Microsoft. Fuck monopolies.
Of all the Microsoft products I’m forced to use for work, teams is by far the best. It still sucks. Fuck Microsoft. Fuck monopolies.
I jump between a lot of profiles for work and chrome makes that too easy. It’s the only thing holding me back from switching to Firefox.
Fast Profile switching? I’m downloading this immediately when I get home.
I was pleasantly surprised that my Sony tv has a basic option so you can use it just as a screen. All smart stuff disabled.
Sideloading apps on iOS has gotten a lot easier. I use sideloadly. It has to connect to your computer (wirelessly) once a week but does this automatically in the background. I’m still running Apollo, the best Reddit iOS app this way.
I have YT premium through Sri Lanka for $3/mo. Sponsorblock works in safari.
ROM apps like delta are in the App Store now. I have no idea about phone gaming otherwise.
Never ran into any content filtering.
If your gf uses iOS try it out there first and see how you like it.
New iPhones release on a pretty strict schedule each September so even if you don’t want the new model best to wait for older ones to be discounted.
Got the fork of prowlarr you recommended up and running but getting a timeout on adding ABB. Will try again later. For now, it is working in jackett again so that is a good temp solution. I will ideally have both running so there is a backup if one goes down later.
Deleting and readding it worked!
It seems ABB asked prowlarr not to use its api.
MAM = myanonymouse
Stopped working for me. I’ll delete and readd when back home.
They just blocked a few of the main ones. I was able to sign up from Sri Lanka last week for ~$4/mo family plan. Might meet more investigating to see where works.
Whenever there is a question in the article title just assume the answer is no. Saves time and is true for clickbait like this.
This will be an unpopular answer but I use Nordvpn mainly because during Black Friday sales you can get it essentially for free using a cash back portal. The start of the sale last year, which I missed, was offering over 100% cash back. They’d pay you to use it!
Others are better but if the level of protection you’re looking for is “Comcast stop sending me piracy warnings” this’ll work.
It does seem unlikely Plex would include this ever. Hate their generic pivot to ad supported bs. But as a lifetime sub to Plex I’m riding it down.
I hear jellyfin supports plugins which is one step easier.
At home I watch on an Apple TV with a nas running isponsorblock. Works well but is a single device/location solution. And I am still paying for YouTube premium.
Interesting. Just need it to work on a server with an interface as effortless as sonarr.
What if I want to watch on my tv or download for offline use?
Yep. Add to the server with ads and sponsor bs removed.
Interesting. I’d not considered that Plex could build it in. That of course relies on accurate YouTube metadata but it’s not impossible.
Arr software for YouTube with Sponsorblock built in.
A way to use Sponsorblock on podcasts.
Would be great for commentary tracks too.
Love the app!
Going beyond Apollo, have you ever thought of adapting Voyager to work on Apple TV? Not sure how many this would interest but there’s a lack of Lemmy tv clients.
I used a separate app that would notify me about Reddit posts in selected subreddits if they hit a upvoted or comment threshold. Could be a separate app or built into Voyager. Also helps you keep up with smaller communities if they get drowned out in the main feed.