So, I figure there are a few possible takes here…
I say it’s a combination of all of them.
I mean, he’s a nazi that comes from aparthide emerald mine money… we’re not surprised are we???
Million, friend.
So… Where’s the line exactly? Asking for 30m friends on BlueSky?
Getting a jump on rewriting history I see.
I don’t have much confidence he’ll get that far, but you’re right.
Can you offer more details about the things you mentioned?
I mean, of course they are! He’s doing everything he can to find money for even bigger tax breaks for them on top of the $4tn tax cuts that will expire in December.
Apparently it’ll cost 2.5x as much this go around.
This is the reason for all the crazy bullshit he’s doing. He has no plan beyond “turn it all off” and he’s scrambling to find money for more tax cuts. He’s made a promise.
On the flip side, Sundar Pichai sees where this is all headed and probably doesn’t want to be deported, or worse.
I’m not happy being correct. All the FAFO, and leapords eating faces was funny for a few days, but decreasingly so after the inauguration.
This is just a slow motion train wreck.
Once I understood their policy, it gave me a distaste for the service. I’m glad it was helpful to you!
Your happy makes me happy 😁
I used to be a 7 cups listener. Their privacy policy is an atrocity. Be safe out there. Nothing on that platform is private.
Thank you for your kindness. I think I’ll get back to good in a bit. I’m just overwhelmed for now. Just gotta do more book reading and less socials. 🫂
Is it responsible reporting to pose this as a question?
If it was a laser printer, it’d probably be worth it. You’ll spend more on ink than the cost of the printer in short order.
All just because they were investigating his aiding Russians with starlink solutions.
I’m begining to think I may not have a choice in that if I’m to be at peace. I can find other ways to contribute, and besides, you can’t post your way out of fascism.
Been letting the stress get to me too much. My anxiety level is too damned high. It’s beginning to manifest physically.
Play as a Republican on social media and sow division?
They have access to all our bank accounts. No.