You gotta give birth through what you just got
You gotta give birth through what you just got
Hot coffee from a vending machine when it was cold was the bomb. Also, milk tea. I got a lot of milk tea
Oh, your husband beats you? You should have sex with him more! (Yes, that’s actually in the book)
Just from stepping I’d have $1,250 today. I’m fine with that.
That is a wonderful duck 🦆🤌
Goddam. This is when the power of regeneration makes nightmare fuel.
How much time do you usually spend per day as an admin? I’m asking because I’m wondering what the commitment looks like and if it works with a schedule where I’m often on the road.
Yasuke is dope AF. Who is Nade?
But seriously, the story of Yasuke is badass. Unfortunately there just wasn’t written about him.
I use a vertical mouse, the wired version of this one. It helps a lot. I also have an ergonomic keyboard. The more natural positioning of my wrists really helps with the pain.
I failed to do some uploads with sync but it worked fine through the website, I don’t know if that helps at all.
The neck tie is less crowded. The bow tie with the hat and the ducks bill has a lot going on all in the same area. Maybe if the bow tie was lower or overall there was a little more space, it’d work better.
Ditto. I like a lot of sad stuff and that is just another level.
Start with “absolute beginner” courses. Here’s one from Bob Taylor. He puts out a lot of good stuff.
Sit your self down and study it for a good bit, then build some things.
Oh they got the room alright
But man the combat system was a slog. Interesting ideas though. But it was a great story.
I do favor vii though, but I’ve been thinking of giving 6 a run.
When we went through a family tragedy the big lasagna was amazing. We didn’t have to find or worry about anything and we could just do it on autopilot.
I use one for travel abroad and wireguard/open vpn connections. I just set up another at home as a server and I’m thinking of setting up tail scale and maybe getting some services running. They’re good devices.
I’ve enjoyed
Damn the chuds are really trying. I can smell the copium.
It means they just shot your dog