And Putin smiles
So, sometimes I just go down the rabbit hole because I’m just inquisitive by nature. Went to the wiki of Bigfin Reef Squids.
In addition to the above, males will often engage in “sneaking” behaviour. In this scenario, a smaller male will attach spermatophores to the female’s mouth area while she is being courted by a larger male using the “male-upturned” behaviour. Even when successful, the male using this strategy is usually chased away by the larger male afterwards.[40]
So basically as the big guy is courting, the little guy comes along and gets head.
Males have been observed to exhibit mating behaviours with other males. Some males have been found with numerous spermatophores embedded in their mouth funnels.[22][28] Since bigfin reef squids distinguish sex by visual cues, this may be a form of deception. The smaller males (termed “female mimics” or “sneaker males”) might have assumed body patterning typical of females in order to trick larger males. Believing they are females, they will then waste their spermatophores on them.[41] This behaviour has also been observed in other cephalopods
So cross dressing and gay. Kinky.
Anyway, good photo.
The way I remember it as well.
We could have had CERN, but we were short sighted and tight-assed.
Makes a lot of sense. I agree.
He was in many movies. He also was very talented and taken from us too soon. When he played principal characters he was a true force.
That Uzi came out of nowhere
The only thing you’ve proven is that you are very spiteful. You have no reason to be. I do wish you well for the rest of your life. I bet you’ve heard those words before.
I deny every single point. I also fond you spiteful and thin skined.
Seniors are already load tested. Younguns don’t seem to understand that so when young managers watch older people work at a steady pace, they get disappointed in their performance. Give me someone who is slow yet thorough any day of the week. If you don’t have time to do things right, you do have time to do things twice.
I’ll get some coffee then
I thought you left
Sorry to see you go.
She’s a player. She won’t be back, but she must be serving a purpose.
If you say so. Rage on. I’m used to it.
Rudy knows where all the bodies are buried too. But, he’s going down rather than reveling them.
You’re not the first to call me that, and probably not the last.
BTW, that’s against board rules.
Oh. Lookie there you edited. Well, your trauma must be more real than mine, right?
Imagine losing everything because you adore Donnie Trump
Removed by mod
Poisoning of the blood’ is a Nazi phrase
But remember, there’s not that much difference between Democrats and Republicans. And Joe Biden is old.