Luanti(Formerly Minetest) = Game Engine
Voxelibre(Formerly Mineclone2) = Game
Luanti(Formerly Minetest) = Game Engine
Voxelibre(Formerly Mineclone2) = Game
Who told you that “a videogamr is more important than your family or significant other”?
Qhoever told you that, is dead wrong.
The guy found out the error happened becausw e got the app from Google App Store
Oh this, Yeah, i got a bestie, we do insult each other in a friendly manner, he’s the best person i met in my entire life.
Nowadays he found other friends to play with and i personally feel like i mosrly lost him, it makes me sad. ☹️
That’s actually a good question 🤨
Quick Answer: No, people will always fight over the stupidest reasons rather than solving real problems.
Not to mention we can’t get everyone to like us either.
That’s how the game works, if you say that “it breaks friendships” then you possibly take the game too seriously and personal.
The Flatpak version comes with Quakespasm engine, so you won’t need to worry about the source port.
Dude, this cand end up in two ways:
People quit gaming
People feel lied to and complain
Lovely, Much Obliged.
Tell me more, please
This is a big deal, all i can say is, Good luck, and hope everything ends up well for both of you.
What’s the purpose of buying a game you’re not gonna play? Come on, if it’s on Steam where you bought it, spoiler alert, It’s not yours, they sell licenses, not the games.
I will emulate even their wives
(I’m kidding with the last part)
Interesting, makes me wanna pay it a visit
(Bad Joke)
Just change the rock with a Block, that way you can say it’s “Blocked”