I’m sure all this can be rectified by Mark Warner making another sandwich.
Former long-time lurker of r/CTH. Just want to chat and post with some comrades. Maybe make some some funny comments along the way.
I’m sure all this can be rectified by Mark Warner making another sandwich.
On a related note, I wish they buffed Azumarill earlier.
I read this in a BBC announcer voice.
I’m happy that you were able to say it. I hope he understands better I the future. I always think about how fortunate bi guys like us are to live in a time and place where we are free to be our true selves.
Anyways, let’s try and meet it in the middle.
That’s the second largest city in America.
Nah, they’ll just dive further into conspiracies. I’ve lost my faith in people being anything other than potatoes in a sack under these conditions. I’m surprised the Republicans aren’t scapegoating Mexicans for the fire yet.
What is going to happen to Los Angeles?
It’s harder to make friends with the people I usually work with. Most of them are conservatives who are at least 20 years older than me.
Thank you.
I feel kinda frantic, tbh. I feel like I’m going to end up friendless and loveless like my father. At least I have more freedom to be open with my sexuality than he did, so that’s a thing I’m thankful for.
I don’t like my job because it involves taking care of aging people who are in the process of exiting this world, and while I work I know from what we discuss on this site that we don’t really have a future (certainly not one with the same availability of nursing homes as we have now). I feel like I’m a boilerman on a sinking ship being told to keep the boilers going no matter what to keep the lotus-eater machine running for the aging post-war generation. It’s the bargain their parents made with FDR in exchange for conquering the world for capital. Like, being so close to the elderly everyday is a constant reminder of that to me. I’m not passing the same milestones they did at my age.
I want a better career than this. I at least want to use my degree to do something that doesn’t have me work minimum wage. I have to focus on that but, I have no time.
I want to quit my job some day and pause to breath but, I’m afraid if I do, my dad, who has an insane standard for working (into his 70s and still doing custodial work) will yell at me until I’m back working full time. Really a lot of what I’m doing is to please him so he doesn’t explode.
I also work different hours than most people, so not really any time to do social activities when working on a Friday/Saturday night. That really came to the front when I tried going on that one date with that girl a month ago. We both had such different work schedules.
Yeah, why are they doing that?
Palmer, citing Debs’s deteriorating health, proposed to Wilson that Debs receive a presidential pardon freeing him on February 12, Lincoln’s birthday. Wilson returned the paperwork after writing “Denied” across it.
That moment when you’re more draconian than the attorney general who’s name is eponymous with anti communism.
Why Algeria, specifically?
Moderators Censors Across Social Media Struggle to Contain Celebrations of UnitedHealthcare CEO’s Assassination
Zoomers are ruining bologna sandwiches.
Well, we certainly don’t lack the moral fiber, so that can’t be the issue.
Perhaps it was merely a veiled threat. Or a inhumane sense of humor on their part.