Seems you’re putting too much thought into this. If you really can’t come up with one just try a random noun genetrator a few times until you find one you like.
Seems you’re putting too much thought into this. If you really can’t come up with one just try a random noun genetrator a few times until you find one you like.
Across the Anglosphere people seem to use “generally” and “genuinely” almost interchangeably these days.
It’s “a couple of minutes” not “a couple minutes”. Americans tend to drop it for speed, but it kind of fits with the accent I guess.
As far as Americanisms go, this is my least favourite… They seem to be dropping the “go” from the aforementioned and it throws me right off the sentence every time.
Just started reading through Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn trilogy and it feels tailor-made for a game adaptation where the player is a Mistborn for hire before the events of the first book.
The magic system is well-defined and the noble factions are all there with their own headquarters. Traversal would be the perfect hybrid of Assassin’s Creed and Spiderman, running over rooftops and swinging from metal fixtures throughout Luthadel with iron and steel.
I imagine combat feeling like Breath of the Wild where the player can burn tin to slow down time, allowing the player to perform coin shots, dodge attacks, etc. Pewter increases damage and iron pulls weapons, coins, or enemies themselves if wearing armour. Zinc could allow skaa to be rioted, attacking nearby enemies on the player’s behalf whilst brass could be used for stealth.
Areas the player could access at any given time could be limited via soothing stations and metal availability. The mist itself would even allow the developers to keep draw distance down and prevent players from travelling too far outside the city grounds until the story permits.:::
Most religions believe in some kind of afterlife. We know that’s unlikely to be true which makes this one all the more valuable.
Nice try.
The list of reasons filesystems are not databases is a database.
For old school RTS, Total Annihilation or if you fancy something a bit different then The Settlers II (Pioneers of Pagonia is a more modern remake). I grew tired of RTS and moved on to turn-based but Stellaris is one that recently drew me back in.
For tactics I’d say Advanced Wars, Fire Emblem and Disgagea are decent shouts. Into The Breach is probably my favourite indie of the genre, a lot of strategy packed into a small game.
If you like turn-based then Civ has always been top of my list.
Removed by mod
Jaw on the floor.
Toxic positivists: Despite the overwhelmingly depressing reality which lies before us, I’m just going to describe anyone that recognises it as mentally unwell, thus invalidating their well-reasoned opinion.
Tangential, but I don’t understand why in American English you feel the need to say the word quote at all. In UK English we just use intenation.
Profit for shareholders.
You could say nothing is true and everything is possible but that would be an argument from ignorance and also a Russian propaganda technique.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
The whole poem by Dylan Thomas is fantastic but that line in particular often pops into my head during difficult times, like these.
Its gameplay is similar to Vampire Survivors. I actually prefer it because it has more characters, upgrades and synergies.
You’ll need to sign up for a new account on the other instance. I’d recommend you persevere with getting a one and use that as your main one. Keep the one you’ve got in case of an outage.
Content is generally shared amongst the main instances so you’ll generally be able to see the same stuff wherever you create an account. Most of the Lemmy apps have multi-account functionality so you can add both.
Oops double posted for some reason, please ignore.
AI is clearly no match for little Bobby Tables.