Question makes no sense, it’s a feature not a need. I have written a launcher for a specific usecase.
Question makes no sense, it’s a feature not a need. I have written a launcher for a specific usecase.
I mean the battle mage is my main subclass :-) But imagine 3 stones of enchantment on a tier 5 weapon or the battle mage staff. Would be fun lol.
Dude on the left looks like he can regrow his head.
I don’t think that people who use Lemmy are the kind of people who use gx
As far as I can tell Xiaomi Huawei and Samsung aren’t names of software.
Bro uses whole paragraphs to explain shattered to the pixel dungeon community 😂 And to answer to your tldr: acquire? You can find tier 4 and tier 5 armor in the starting region what else do you want, a guaranteed t5 weapon at depth 1? If you mean wearing them sooner, no that wouldn’t make the game better also you have already some nice options to play with the strength requirements.
Which phone is not made in Asia?
More room types always add to the game (not everyone hates the crystal rooms by the way), I would even like more floor types so that different runs feel more unique. Can’t wait for the new playstyle of the new Hero. Third subclass for 6 Heroes would truly bring the game to a new level. Graphics update could turn out to be amazing or meh.
So Realme which is known for selling useful multifunction devices for reasonable prices is partnering with Rolex which is known for selling overpriced devices which just show the time? Sounds like exactly the collaboration I did not ask for.
8 year old girl: examines mimic
90% of people in the pixel dungeon Reddit: don’t know how to examine things
My faith in the young generation is restored.
So did I get you right, you play the beta version and are suprised that you encounter new stuff which isn’t mentioned in the wiki?
Try Droid-ify it works very well
Sometimes life is demon halls without healing potions.
I don’t know Voyager but maybe you should try Eternity.
Ok, but I would only agree if they would become Amethyst door rooms.
Also, obviously I know that other see through materials exist, but dragon isn’t that and skull is used for boss floors and real players should know that.
These rooms also don’t make sense without the ability to see through the doors.
I use it and like it. The only time I had trouble was as a moved very big archives from one pc to a laptop it didn’t work.
I don’t get it