Metal gear? Metal gear.
Trans furry, 21 yr old
Metal gear? Metal gear.
The more i read stuff like this the more i realise rights arent really a real thing.
I just wish “gamers” would get less angry, anger management or something.
Its mostly the game engine, usually.
I mean id understand endgame players but 90% of the people you will see in game are nice people who are just playing the game, like ive learned so much about xiv just from talking to other players.
I got kicked out of casual for not being good enough. CASUAL.
Im just going to say FFXIV in my experience has a very friendly community, one of the nicest ive seen, so i dont fully understand where that comes from.
For me it would probably be Garry’s Mod, as its full of so many edgy teens who constantly say the n word.
Nier Automata and Nier Replicant, also Metal Gear Rising: Revengence. Id mention more but my other picks are probably already mentioned here.
True dat
Actual facts and logic
Where can i buy >.>
Exactly, you dont need to be given more power for it to be taken away.
Excuse me? What the hell?
Imagine setting these up and then the cops getting called whenever they get set off. Its so stupid.
Id wish we would actually use our railroads at all
Goku died of a heart attack, so Goku killed Goku.
Google AI admits that Google is evil. HMMM.