Nah, that’s still engagement. Ignore it, and let it rot away
I’m cautiously excited, but probably won’t be preordering anything if Eric is involved
An alternative suggestion - do what they did with UTC. It’s an acronym of both “coordinated universal time” and “temps universel coordonné”, which doesn’t work in either English or French so everyone is equally unhappy
Take a look for yourself:
He says, forgetting what community he is in.
Bring your existing gear, remembering that we use 240v here. Getting used server bits is pretty difficult and expensive because we don’t have anywhere near the density of data centers selling off old stuff. Enterprise switches in particular seem to be hard to get, I’ve previously had to buy on eBay and pay absurd shipping
The attitude in a lot of countries had been “China contributes xx% to global emissions, we only contribute y% so why should we trash our economy if China isn’t doing absolutely everything possible?” - add the US into that and that resistance is even harder to overcome
they’ll actively push you to take leave
This is the part that I think is kinda genius (although I doubt it was totally intentional) - by making leave accrue and requiring businesses to pay out the value when employees leave, you put a clear dollar value on doing the right thing. You align the employer and the employees interests, so even if a company can’t ensure people take leave because it’s the right thing to do, they can usually manage it because it’s good business
Oh totally, if you are playing by the rules then this can’t happen.
What happens if the GOP appoints him as their candidate in 4 years time? Presumably someone asks the supreme court to weigh in, but given it’s current make up, what happens if they say “yeah sure, because democrats are The Enemy” or something?
It’s just people, breaking the rules is always an option. Rules and laws only work if they are enforceable - and at the end of the day, who would be enforcing that he can’t run? The military? State militias?
It’s the tech aura. The machines know not to misbehave in his presence because they know what happens to machines that misbehave. It’s especially effective on printers, because (as everyone knows) printers are sentient machines imbued with the spirit of a lesser demon, and therefore do experience proper fear.
If you think you saw someone stealing food no you fucking didn’t
Here we get 2-3 weeks a year
Legal minimum is 4 weeks paid leave, which accrues (ie, if you don’t use it, you keep it for next year) and 2 weeks sick leave (which doesn’t accrue)
There are bigots and assholes the same as anywhere else, but you are not likely to see the sort of systematic discrimination like you would in the US. Protection from discrimination by employers or landlords is law, and not especially controversial.
The major issues we have as a country are pretty similar to the rest of the world; our government is a coalition of 3 “conservative” parties which have been trying to undo as much of the social safety net as possible in the name of “efficiency” and “lower taxes” (which only really works if you are wealthy enough to not need the safety net in the first place); the health and education systems are chronically underfunded; and the real estate market is set up for speculators, not people who want a place to live; and the cost of living in general has been increasing dramatically in the past few years.
Standard advice for anyone considering moving; come for a working holiday for a few months before committing to moving here permanently. I love this country, but you are probably going to be in for a bit of a culture shock coming from the US
That’s the straw man behind all of this - saying anything in support of the Palestinian people is “pro hamas”, saying anything negative about Israel is “antisemitic”. It deliberately conflates political groups with ethnic identities to dismiss the argument
I know, who would have thought that destroying everything people value and taking away every semblance of hope for a safe and prosperous future might drive people to undertake dangerous, desperate actions to try and regain some control and structure to their lives
It makes more sense if you understand that the “thorn” (Þ) is pronounced “th”.
Interestingly, the thorn was in pretty common use until the printing press took off because most of the presses in England were imported from France and Germany, neither of which used the thorn so their typefaces didn’t include one. For a while people used ‘y’ in place of the thorn (hence “ye olde”), but eventually it fell out of use all together
Ok, you’ve got me on the wording. He wasn’t in jail because he paid for hits, but my point being no matter your thoughts on drug policy, Ross should be in prison
He paid money to have people killed in order to protect his profits
The fact that he wasn’t convicted of it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen
init crashed because it couldn’t load a shared library, but init isn’t allowed to be killed so the kernel panicked