Hey! It sounds like you’ve prepped a lot with the books and DM screen, which is a good sign!
As a DM, I jumped into running a full year long campaign after just running a couple one shots. It really IS easier than you think!
All you have to do is help your friends interact with the world in the books. That’s your only job.
The only tips I have are these:
Make sure both your players AND yourself are having fun! It can be easy to stress and bend to your players every whim so they have as good a time as possible - don’t do that. Make sure YOU’RE having fun, too! It’ll improve your ability to run the game and everyone will be able to tell.
Don’t worry about the tabletop aspect too much. I ran a game for over a year with nothing but my laptop and a map I drew with my friend that had the names of cities on it. I hid my dice behind my hand because there was no room for a DM screen - it really just comes down to you and your players having fun. The objects aren’t necessary. Don’t worry about not having them.
Have fun! Let us know how it went!
I’m glad this site has reached the point where raccoon memes hit my page. More, please!