Yeah i feel that, i only smoke with charcoal filters(for 3+ years) :D Have you tried the purize filters? I find they dont have as much of a taste of their own. Sadly not every kiosk or gas station offers them but headshops usually have them.
Yeah i feel that, i only smoke with charcoal filters(for 3+ years) :D Have you tried the purize filters? I find they dont have as much of a taste of their own. Sadly not every kiosk or gas station offers them but headshops usually have them.
Siegt aus wie das Deutsche Welle logo mit “Quellenangabe: NABU”. Hier der link:ögel-dunkelflaute-profit/a-60032565
Isn’t a donair(Döner) in pita bread and if it’s in lavash bread it’s called kebab roll(Dürüm)? Not a native speaker/american so idk and am genuently interested. :)
Well, if there is nof fixed (explicit or implicit) type it’s imposible for the compiler to optimise your code. Also imho programming with typed languages is way easier because your IDE can recognize function argumentd before you compile/run. I tried python and found it baffling how anyone can get any work done with it :D
How does zypper compare to apt?
Be more like Wil, less like Wesley.
We are trying to solve computer/rocket-age problems with a caveman brain. If we don’t start genetic engineering humans soon i’d wager we’ll eradicate ourselves before we colonize other planets and stars.
Is ‘Ed’ used at all? That i would understand…
I wouldn’t know. Sorry english is not my first language. Could you explain where the ‘T’ comes from?
Fortunately not and most likely never will (i’m not from the US) :D
Wait, Ted isn’t even one of his names? Of all the names in the world he choose to go with Ted? No disrespect against anyone named Ted but there are cooler names out there…
If your short be more like Stalin, got it.
You’re right, maybe i came of more standoffish and condescending than intended. Forgive me, I’ll try to be a bit more constructive.
Yes. That’s the norm. That’s been the norm.
The norm for whom? Yes some super extroverted people might do that, but you are you that type of person?
How the fuck else are you supposed to meet people?
The same circle of friends, volunteering in non profits, hobbies or common interests would be my recommendation. Or do it like anon and start a sport. Basically touching gras, as i said :P Some of my friends tried dating apps, but I’m assuming they are even more superficial than walking up to good looking strangers (haven’t tried them myself). Wouldn’t recommend work…
thinking anyone that approaches you is just a creep only deters people who aren’t creeps.
Please put yourself in their position. It’s really sad how common assholes and creeps are. There is a reason for selfdefense courses for women… Yeah you might not be a creep, but 9/10 are, so how could they tell.
don’t really have anything in common with most actual incels
The one thing you seemed to have in common was your lack of empathy for women. I have colleague who is getting stalked and you can really see how scared she is and how it warps her whole way of thinking… This was why i got so annoyed and condescending.
this whole conversation is pointless.
Only if argument for arguments sake is pointless to you. If it wasn’t already clear, i love arguing over nonsense. I’ll fight anyone who doesn’t like pineapple on pizza (:
They’ve touched a nerve, have they?
aproach a women respectfully
I hear this over and over by the likes of you. What does that even mean? You walk up to random strangers and expect not to come of as a creep? Yeah right…
statistics don’t lie
Ah yes all the numbers ans studies you’ve provided lol
Here is a intreresting fact: Nationwide, 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime.
I wonder why women might be more carefull…
Touch some grass, smh
First time i’ve heard of it. I’ve just checked it out looks like it’ll be my new goto-site, thanks :)
Do I go to the same places I torrent movies and games or are there special places dedicated to E-Books?
I use library genisis. Great for scientific papers and adequate for fiction.
Yes, female in german, idc about french but i suspect it’s the same.
Is it stupid we’ve done this for all nouns? Yes.
Do I judge you subconsciously if you use it wrong? Also unfortunately yes.
I always thought plastic just melts.
Good question, maybe it’s the size of coal or the thickness/shape of the ceramics, but i found they taste less of coal.