It wouldn’t have been viable in China either, but they simply didn’t have any meaningful ICE-car production to note
It wouldn’t have been viable in China either, but they simply didn’t have any meaningful ICE-car production to note
Because there’s no meaningful chinese competition that is also heavily subsidised by China that it warrants tariffs
Pro tip: use reusable vegetable bags
Sound suicidal and apparently very effective at its job
Sind halt Volksverräter
Yeah, but that doesn’t explain it all. Görlitz for example is the county with the highest number of votes for the AfD. But the county is doing really well, there’s a big Siemens plant there.
Well I’d recon they were to blatantly obvious Nazi, not necessarily actually too Nazi
On paper they were more extreme, the right loves to be seen as not that far right when in fact they are
You are literally ignoring what I am saying. I’ve answered to the thread where you were answering the argument of mentally insane people kill as much as islamists, but the latter are more represented by the media by searching for headlines on a search engine. Nothing else, I’ve not actually challenged the argument of islamists completely overreacting at people insulting their believes.
Though just to clarify, while sceptism toward religion is always warranted, insulting someone’s believes is arguably a no-go as well.
But you’re obviously on a slippery slope towards the right. There have been plenty of violent attacks on politicians in the past few months in Germany alone. And they didn’t even have to say anything against the attackers ideology
Right so you’re answering the argument that killings by muslim are overrepresented in media by quoting search engine results? If you actually want factual numbers you’d need to take a look at the criminal data from you country.
Right, so if I understand you correctly, Germans don’t stab people. What do we do to kill someone then? Gas them or start a world war? The offender ought to really used Zyklon B
They are so pro-islam that they in fact welcome the terror attack in Moscow a few weeks back - though frankly Putin probably does
Absolut, aber eben gerade nur im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimawandel. Kein Klimawandel =^= keine invasiven Tier- und Pflanzenarten, also theoretisch
Dann müssen wir das aber so als verdrehte Schwurbelscheiße verpacken und paar Russen haben die angeblich Geld dafür zahlen und zum FSB /GRU gehören
Ich bin ehrlich gesagt auch etwas irritiert warum der in der AfD ist. Ich mein wahrscheinlich wird er mindestens fragwürdige Ansichten zu Migration und Klimawandel haben. Aber was er außenpolitisch zu sagen hat ist tatsächlich mal erfrischend für die AfD. Ich muss jetzt mal recherchieren was den zum Arschloch macht, sonst wäre er ja nicht in der AfD wenn er keins wäre.
Edit: das war leider nicht besonders schwer. Er ist klimapolitisscher Sprecher, aber Klimawandelleugner, spricht von Massenmigration und hat auch Angst vor der Massenmogration von Pflanzenarten aus anderen Ländern
Well to be fair IIRC Corbyn is quite the anti-zionistic asshole, which was part of the reason Labour did so poorly and the last elections.
Ich seh jetzt schon Lawrow vor Wut schäumend uns als Nazi-Land bezeichnen Wenn das aus Russland kommt kann man das ja inzwischen eher als Kompliment betrachten
Ist das ein Code für ich hatte ungeschützten Sex mit One-Night-Stands irgendwo in der EU?
The little white men are not affiliated with us and are possibly on vacation