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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • The mob mentality part and the self-justice and eye-for-an-eye-mentality is something I, as a European, find quite appalling. Not only in the Chinese but (South-) Korean culture as well. Granted I barely know more about their respective cultures than you can see from their exported tv-shows and other media. Frankly even “Squid games” made me sick at times. And the way some Korean novels and anime praise acts of completely over the top acts of revenge is not something I can identify with. However there seem to be more similarities between both countries than they care to admit.

    On another note, has anyone watched the sequel to Initial D? Holy fucking hell, the damn nationalism is way too obvious

  • If it helps in any way, every country in the world has their set if problems, but in essence it evolves around the fact that many/most people are incapable of realising they were wrong and change their behaviour and voting.

    One of Germany’s issues for example is that while industrialization has made the country prosperous it also made it demitral to the environment. Those that lived in the golden times and worked for it naturally don’t want to miss out their hard-earned pensions. However the younger generations have to work even harder to finance their pensions as they make up much of the population. Meanwhile the world’s environment is fucked and we need to swiftly transform the country which is expensive all the while dealing with rising nationalism in the world slowly rising in heat and already discharging into war around european neighbourhood. And yet the same lucky generations are calling us weak and lazy, but insist on voting parties that don’t have any tiny ounce of interest to work to deal with the problems we face and actually oppose working towards an actual solution.

    So yeah, i am honestly quite hopeless for the future myself, but I force myself to at least try to change it - I mean sticking our heads in the sand only helps the assholes doesn’t it?

  • Das schlimme ist, dass ich eigentlich vorhatte der CDU meine Direktstimme zu geben, damit die AfD nicht das Mandat bekommt. Mit Amthor dachte ich, wäre das jemand, der sich klar gegen die AfD stellt, komischer Kauz aber klare Kante. Ja seit gestern ist das Ding durch - nur wen wähle ich jetzt mit der Direktstimme. Wird wohl fast auf Linke hinauslaufen, weil Hannes Herbst glaube ich ne ganz korrekte Socke ist.

    Ach scheiße echt, ich hatte noch nie so große Gewissensbisse, dabei weiß ich sogar wen ich eigentlich wählen möchte

  • Waffe sind per Definition i.S.d § 224 I Nr.1 Alt.1 StGB Gegenstände deren Zweckbestimmung die Nutzung als Verletzungs-/ Tötungswerkzeug inneruht.

    Gefährliche Werkzeuge sind i.S.d. § 224 I Nr.1 Alt 2 StGB bewegliche Gegenstände die zwar zu einem anderen Zweck bestimmt sind, die aber aufgrund ihrer Art und Beschaffenheit so verwendet werden (können), dass sie zu erheblichen Verletzungen führen.

    Ergo KFZ, sofern Schlüssel und Fahrbahrkeit vorliegt Alt.2. Wenn nicht gefahren, sondern wie eine Wand oder Boden benutzt, dann nicht einmal gefährliches Werkzeug

  • No, apparently there isn’t. Stick does have its origin in the Germanic language family, however from what is nowadays in German “Stecken” for it’s penetrative aspect. (Yeah no kidding here, that’s what the etymology dictionary said)

    Edit: just read the entry to “Stück” apparently there’s the idea of “Stückelung” as in parts of a larger whole, which coincides to the idea of a “Stock” (stick from a tree) being a separate part of the larger entity “tree”. Going by that logic I can see a similarity