That’s what happened to me with my previous job. Family and friends kept telling me that I look good and thinner but the scale was more or less the same. I do feel better and went down a size so it’s a win for me overall.
That’s what happened to me with my previous job. Family and friends kept telling me that I look good and thinner but the scale was more or less the same. I do feel better and went down a size so it’s a win for me overall.
Way to deflect.
Sounds like they might come from RTSs. It’s a feature I’ve never heard anyone ask for in my 14 years of playing league.
Presses 1
Gonna need a couple sources chief
This might be illegal in your area. Might be worth a non emergency call to the cops and let them know the owner always flashes the houses around at midnight not letting people sleep.
Yea saying they’re not Christian is just giving them an excuse.
Oh buddy. Are you familiar with temu? Like alibaba or wish or Amazon. Well they have a fish feeding game that incentivises you to log in every day and do stuff like share and buy etc to potentially get a discount etc. It’s insane. A MARKETPLACE APP WITH A GAME TO GET PEOPLE MORE HOOKED.
Is freedom of speech not protected there? Or are the cops that much of a cunt that they ignore it?
You’re right and it’s that sort of stuff that people like you and me will deal with and figure out and move on but unfortunately it’s not the case with regular people. That’s why I never recommend that sorry if stuff to ‘normies’ ie. My mom. Instead I set them up with the lesser of evils that will give them convenience and make them more likely to trust me in the future. That way, if I ever REALLY need them to move on from something they will be more likely to just listen to me and not fight me about it. I just got a couple of friends to switch over to Firefox even though they were chrome fans, all because I have years of goodwill. Ported their bookmarks and got them ublock and they barely even notice a difference.
I think the special part was having smaller rental spaces and that feeling of having coworkers in an office that weren’t actually your coworkers. I used to deliver to a lot of we work and we work type places and I sort of got the appeal for startups. Some definitely didn’t have privacy like another commenter mentioned.
That’s my reasoning behind trusting banks with my money. If shit goes down to the point I can’t get my money out of a bank then it won’t have much value for long anyways and I have bigger issues.
That’s what they do with a lot more paintings that you would think. Not because they don’t want the plebs to look at them but because being exposed to the environment would cause irreparable damage to it. So they have experts make recreations and display those.
My unpopular opinion is that the pros aren’t actually that good if they have to gut a game to play it. I wanna see the do all the crazy shit they do but with items on and on annoying stages like the moving Pokémon one. Either get good or fuck off. I can’t think of another game where they do this stuff to this extent.
Could be a website that won’t let you hit back or refresh. Of course you cna always just close the browser but some people aren’t that tech savvy.
I’ve seen that video 3 times and I might again this weekend. It’s a great video. I’ve seen it the first time I found it, with my best friend and then my girlfriend.
Smaller trips to the store on the way home if they live in a city. I like to get a couple things at a time during lunch break since the store is close
I cna vouch for fmovies and there’s also goku dot SX. Firefox plus adblock is the way to go. A lot of these sites also give you imdb ratings and a bunch of other things that regular streaming sites don’t.
I recommend the guy she was interested in wasn’t a guy at all. It’s a great fluffy story with solid designs.
You sold me on bibliomania gonna look it up once I’m off work to give it a try.
I wouldn’t blame them for selling out for less as much as it would suck for the people who use the product. If I had a family to take care of I would definitely sell out for a big check. Gotta take care of my own first.